Make Apple Cider Vinegar Yourself

Apple cider vinegar is available almost everywhere, but it is often of poor quality and therefore does not have the desired effect. 

Make apple cider vinegar yourself

Did you know you can make apple cider vinegar  yourself ? It is very popular worldwide and can be used in many ways. There are also various possible uses for health and beauty.

Apple cider vinegar is available almost everywhere, but it is often of poor quality and therefore does not have the desired effect. Making apple cider vinegar yourself is therefore the best option.

Why make apple cider vinegar yourself?

Making apple cider vinegar at home is very easy and cheap. Even if it is available everywhere and is inexpensive, the quality often leaves a lot to be desired.

Some brands contain sulfites, which are used as preservatives and help keep the look uniform. However, due to this substance, apple cider vinegar loses its good properties and is no longer as healthy.

Making apple cider vinegar yourself: how?

Step 1: squeeze the juice

  • You need apples that are sweet and have no signs of beating, mold, or rot. If possible, choose organically grown apples that are not contaminated with pesticides or other chemicals that could affect fermentation.
  • Wash the apples well, peel and grate them. Then you squeeze the juice out of the apples so that you get about a liter.

Step 2: fermentation

  • With the juice you have just received, fill a wide vessel – preferably made of clay or glass – halfway so that fermentation can take place. Use a wine balloon to prevent oxygen from entering and allowing the fermentation gases to spread.
  • The temperature should be between 18 and 20 ° C, the vinegar needs between 4 and 6 weeks to ferment.
  • The sweetness of apples is the key to success. For this reason, we recommend using very ripe apples. If the apples are too sour, you can add a little sugar.
  • If you want the fermentation to go faster, you can add a piece of apple peel to the juice before letting it stand.

Step 3: converting to wine vinegar

  • Pour the vinegar into a large container and place it in a warm place, such as next to the stove or in direct sunlight. Leave it covered with a clean cloth for three days.
  • Then the container is covered. Make sure that the temperature is constant at around 20 ° C, as the vinegar cannot tolerate rapid temperature changes.
  • Stir the contents once a day so that the ferment that forms on the surface is well distributed.
  • Finally, you have to filter the vinegar and store it in preferably dark bottles, avoiding direct light. As a result, you get organic apple cider vinegar, without chemicals and with the best health benefits.

    Another recipe for homemade apple cider vinegar

    This homemade apple cider vinegar alternative is much simpler and takes less time than the previous recipe.


    • 5 liters of mineral water
    • 1.5 kilos of ripe apples
    • 1 kilo of brown sugar


    • Wash and disinfect the apples with a little water and baking soda. After washing, chop the apples and add the sugar.
    • Then you fill the 5 liters of water into a glass container and add the apple pieces and the sugar. Cover the container well so that it can breathe but is protected from flies or other insects.
    • For the first 10 days, stir the mixture with a wooden spoon every day.
    • For the next 10 days you only stir every other day.
    • Let the vinegar sit for another 10 days.

      You will receive good quality apple cider vinegar in a total of 30 days. You can bottle it. You shouldn’t overfill the bottles, or the fermentation could cause them to explode. It is best to open the bottle once a day to prevent this from happening.

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