Acid Reflux – 10 Unusual Symptoms

These symptoms can be caused by other diseases. But if they occur, a visit to a specialist is definitely recommended, because if acid reflux is diagnosed early on, treatment is easier.

Acid reflux - 10 unusual symptoms

Acid reflux occurs when the contents of the stomach (food, juices, stomach acid) get back into the esophagus and some of them come up into the mouth.

The esophagus measures around 40 cm and when acid rises in it, it is very uncomfortable. It creates a burning, irritating feeling that is created by the reflux.

Acid reflux, or heartburn, occurs particularly  when you lean forward after eating a large or high-fat meal. Even at night, when you are in bed, the symptoms are often particularly noticeable.

If you suffer from it, we recommend that you bed your head a little higher so that the body is not completely horizontal.
Burning sensation is the most common symptom of acid reflux, but there are other signs that are more unusual. Then you will learn more about it.

1. More salivation

One of the first symptoms of heartburn is the excessive formation of saliva, which can set in while you are eating.


You will feel that  there is more saliva in your mouth than usual. This is due to a mechanism in the salivary glands preparing to better digest the food you eat.

2. Pneumonia

Another unusual symptom of acid flux is pneumonia, which may come as a surprise.

  • In some cases, when the acid re-enters the esophagus, it can reach the lungs. 
  • If so, an infection could occur. In some cases, pneumonia can also be caused by acid reflux.

3. Chest pain

Again, this symptom is unusual and is usually not associated with heartburn, but associated with a heart attack.

However, in many cases, chest pain is due to the acid entering the esophagus. This symptom is not severe, but you should still go to the emergency room for an examination.

4. Bitter taste in the mouth

Woman acid reflux

When acid rises in the esophagus, it can leave a bitter taste in the back of the throat.

  • This taste can last for hours,  the biggest problem being that it interferes with the enjoyment of food.
  • Some assume that this symptom is due to a lack of oral hygiene or liver problems. You should watch for any other unusual signs that could indicate acid reflux.

5. Snoring and difficulty breathing while sleeping

Do you have breathing difficulties that get worse at night? This could also be due to heartburn. Because if the acid goes back up the esophagus, it could produce a “whistle” when you breathe.

The acid could also get into the airways, irritating them or causing an infection. This could result in a cough or a nocturnal attack of suffocation.

6. Problems digesting food

If the reflux is creeping up and left untreated for a long time  , the acid in the esophagus can burn and leave scars. 

This hinders the transport of food through the esophagus and makes it uncomfortable to eat.

  • Usually you feel a kind of scratching when you eat food.
  • Sour or spicy foods cause the most problems.
  • To prevent this from becoming a problem that prevents you from eating a varied diet, treat heartburn as soon as possible.

7. stomach acid

Mann acid reflux

Another unusual symptom occurs when stomach acid travels up the esophagus and  the problem may not be properly identified at first. 

Depending on the intensity, there may be a slight discomfort or intense pain in the chest, as we have already explained.

8. Belching

This is caused by the reflux of stomach acid, which can also cause nausea.

  • If this is the case frequently,  the tooth enamel could be affected and as a result it could lead to dental problems. 

9. Dyspepsia

Dyspepsia or irritable stomach is understood as  a digestive disorder that leads to malaise, especially in the upper stomach area. In some cases this condition can be very painful. With acid reflux, this symptom is almost always present.

Some people have the following ailments:

  • Flatulence
  • Bloating
  • stomach pain
  • Eructation

If you have these symptoms, it is a good idea to see a doctor to avoid complications such as a stomach ulcer or cancer.

10. Dry cough

The last unusual symptom that we mention in our list today  usually causes the uncomfortable feeling that something is stuck in the throat. 

This symptom is very annoying because it makes you constantly have to cough or clean your throat with water.

Be wary of any unusual symptoms that suggest acid reflux

Acid reflux

Have you identified different symptoms in yourself or do you know someone who suffers from them?

If this is the case,  the best thing to do is to consult a specialist  who can carry out the appropriate examinations to determine whether it is actually acid reflux or perhaps another disease.

Early diagnosis makes treatment easier. It is usually sufficient to change various lifestyle habits, change your diet or remove certain foods from the menu.

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