Nutritional Information And Health Benefits Of Peas

Peas have many health benefits. They are a great source of fiber and help reduce the risk of constipation. Plus, they’re very filling. Find out more in this article!

Nutritional Information and Health Benefits of Peas

Peas have many health benefits.

They are a healthy food that nutritionists say should be included in almost any type of diet. The results will be visible in the medium term, provided you consume them as part of a balanced diet.

This vegetable belongs to the legume family and therefore has many of their properties. According to experts, you should eat legumes at least once a week. Increased consumption of this type of food is associated with a lower risk of developing certain complex diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases.

The nutritional value of peas

100 grams of green beans have 31 calories and are therefore not particularly high-energy. In terms of macronutrients, the same amount contains 7 grams of carbohydrates and 1.8 grams of protein. This means that they contain practically no fats.

This legume is characterized by its water and fiber content. The latter is even the reason for several of its health properties.

As for the micronutrients, the content of vitamin A (690 milligrams) and vitamin B9 (33 milligrams) stands out in particular. It also contains 6 milligrams of sodium and a considerable amount of 12.2 milligrams of vitamin C.

Peas and other legumes
Legumes can be part of the usual diet. They should be on the menu at least once a week.

The health benefits of including peas in your diet

Read on to learn about the health benefits and position of science on pea consumption.

1. Less bowel problems

Eating fiber is associated with a lower risk of constipation. This is because they improve digestion and ensure frequent, even, and effortless bowel movements.

In addition, fiber has been shown to be effective against colon cancer. They enlarge the bolus of stool and remove waste products that stick to the walls of the intestines because the body cannot digest them. This is how they keep them from damaging the tissue.

Plus, regular fiber intake makes you feel full, so snacking between meals is reduced and it is easier to follow a weight loss diet.

2. Control of the ingested fats

The influence of diet on fat intake is limited. However, some foods can lower plasma cholesterol or triglyceride levels slightly. This could be associated with a lower cardiovascular risk.

What is clear is that fiber partially blocks the absorption of certain nutrients such as cholesterol and fat from food. At least according to a study published in Postępy Higieny i Medycyny Doświadczalnej. In this way, the synthesis of these elements is endogenously stimulated and thus regulation is quite effective.

They also have a similar effect in regulating the intake of carbohydrates. This is because they delay the entry of carbohydrates into the bloodstream. Thus, they can help control diabetes.

3. Strengthening the immune system

As already mentioned, peas contain a significant amount of vitamin C. According to current scientific knowledge, this nutrient can improve the function of the immune system.

According to scientific evidence, consuming 1 gram of this nutrient per day will help prevent the development of certain infectious diseases, such as colds. It also makes symptoms subside faster once the disease is there.

Canned peas preserve the nutritional values ​​and reduce preparation time.

How to cook peas to get the most benefit from them

Cooking these vegetables is actually very easy. You need to cook peas before you eat them – keep in mind that the slower the cooking process, the better the end result.

It’s best to put the peas in a saucepan with some steamed vegetables and add enough water. Then you adjust the temperature so that the liquid reaches boiling point and let it cook for about an hour until it is soft.

Note that most types of peas need to be soaked for at least 24 hours.

The good news is that you can buy canned peas and those are already cooked. This expands your options and you can use them in salads or bean paste and even serve them seared with ingredients like bacon.

As you can see, you can experiment until you find your favorite way to prepare this legume.

Nutritionists recommend peas for their health benefits

As mentioned earlier, peas are highly recommended by health professionals as part of a balanced diet. This legume contains essential nutrients for the body and a significant amount of fiber.

Also on a culinary level, it is characterized by its versatility, which allows you to experiment and add it to different dishes. Stews are the most classic option, but their taste in salads and stir-fries is sure to impress.

It’s okay to buy canned or pre-cooked peas as it won’t affect their nutritional values ​​and so you can use them in all of your dishes.

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