8 Tips To Protect Your Fingernails

If your nails are discolored yellow, which is due to the frequent use of nail polish, tobacco or other reasons, you can regain their original color by turning your nails white Bath vinegar.

8 tips to protect your fingernails

If you have weak nails that break constantly, we recommend reading this article on how to protect your fingernails. Brittle nails, some of which are yellowish, are very common and are not only annoying but also unsightly.

But there are various natural means to strengthen them so that health and beauty are also reflected in the nails.

Simple tips for beautiful, manicured nails

1. Finger bath with olive or castor oil

castor oil

Using olive or castor oil is very easy and effective. Olive oil is perfect for nourishing and strengthening brittle nails and providing them with moisture and vitamins. A cup with a little olive oil is prepared for this.

Then moisten some cotton wool with it and apply the oil to the nails. Let the oil work for at least 20 minutes. Then wash your hands with a mild soap. This application can be repeated approximately three times a week.

The results are excellent. Castor oil can also be used instead of olive oil, which is also very helpful.

2. Vitamin E


Vitamin E is essential for the body. This strengthens the organs, bones, hair and nails, supplies the skin with moisture and protects it from free radicals.

It is best to use vitamin E capsules, which are available in pharmacies and health food stores. You only need one capsule to treat your fingernails. The oil in a Vitamink E capsule is mixed with colorless nail polish.

Then treat the nails with this nail polish several times. The nails will grow back stronger.

3. Garlic


Garlic has an antibacterial effect and therefore protects against fungal diseases and toxins that can damage the nails. It is best to halve a clove of garlic in the evening to massage the nails gently, not forgetting the cuticles.

Then wash with a mild soap (e.g. with a baby soap that also contains antibacterial agents). If the hands are washed well, no garlic odor will be left behind.

4. Trick so that the nails grow back vigorously

nice Nails

Here is a nourishing recipe so that your fingernails grow back strong and healthy. A spoon of crushed papaya, an egg yolk, a little lemon juice and five teaspoons of milk are mixed  in a dish until a homogeneous mixture is created.

Then dip the nails in this mixture for at least 10 minutes. Repeat twice a week for excellent results.

5. Horsetail


Horsetail is perfect for well-nourished, strong fingernails. To do this, bring about four branches of horsetail to a boil in a cup of water.

As soon as the infusion is cold, bathe your fingers in it for about 15 minutes. Don’t forget to use this method twice a week.

6. Lemon and Almond Oil

essential oils

Almond oil can be found in any health food store. It is a classic remedy for beautiful fingernails. To do this, mix the juice of a lemon with a spoonful of sugar and bathe your fingernails in it for about 10 minutes.

Then moisten a cotton swab with a little almond oil and rub it into your fingernails. This home remedy is very effective.

7. Trick for white fingernails

hydrogen peroxide

Sometimes the fingernails are yellowish or dull. In this case, we can also recommend a good home remedy. Simply soak the nails in white vinegar for 5 minutes. 

Another option is to apply hydrogen peroxide with a cotton swab. After that, the fingernails will get a beautiful, natural color.

8. Tips for beautiful, well-groomed fingernails

  • By biting  nails, the nails become weaker and then look very unkempt. It can also cause nail diseases. Therefore, you should try not to do this.
  • Not too much nail polish. The nails also need respite, so it is better to put in a few weeks without nail polish in between.
  • Nails are not tools. You should avoid scratching with nails or opening objects, this too will lead to brittle nails.
  • Use gloves. Gloves should always be used when washing dishes or doing similar activities. Dishwashing detergents contain chemical pollutants that attack the nails.

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