10 Tips For Losing Weight Through A Better Diet

Can you lose weight without feeling hungry? The key lies in various simple measures, which we explain in more detail in this post. With it you can lose weight without having to make great sacrifices.

10 tips for losing weight through a better diet

If you only count calories for weight loss, you will often not get the results you want because it ignores other factors that are equally important to weight loss and health.

It makes a big difference whether you eat 100 calories of apples or 100 calories of ice cream, because apples also contain fiber, which helps with fat reduction and weight loss .

In this article, you will find various weight loss tips that you should consider if you want to lose weight in a healthy way, without making big sacrifices.

Tips for losing weight

Chew the food well

Digestion begins in the mouth because saliva contains enzymes that aid in the digestive process. The better the food is chewed, the better it is absorbed and also the less we eat.

It has been proven that hunger lasts between 15 and 20 minutes. So if you eat slowly, after this time you will no longer need to eat more food.

Don’t fill your stomach too much

Raise your stomach, it will adapt to your eating habits. Stop as soon as you are full, don’t just keep eating for no reason.

It is not difficult to get into the habit of not filling your stomach completely and to stop eating when you feel a little hungry. If you can’t do it right away, a little trick you can use is to drink digestive tea after you eat.

lose weight

Don’t mix too many foods

The combination of many different foods at one meal, as is often the case at celebrations, is one of the most common reasons for obesity and health problems.

While there are always exceptions, try to eat plant-based foods, carbohydrates, and proteins at every meal you can.

Choose whole grains

Choose whole grain products, even if you are not enthusiastic about them at first, you will get used to the taste, after a while they may even taste better to you. They contain many vitamins and minerals as well as fiber and have a filling effect.

Don’t eat dessert after your meal

A dessert after meals makes digestion difficult and makes you thicker than if you eat it in between in the morning or afternoon.

Fruits are also not recommended for dessert as they contain a lot of sugar. The exception is apples and pears, which are easy to eat after a meal.

slimming apple

Be careful with dinner

There is a saying that we should eat breakfast like a king, eat like a prince, and dine like a poor man. This is how it should be, as this corresponds to the daily energy consumption.

What you eat in the evening you normally don’t burn anymore, so an early, light dinner is recommended, preferably before 8 p.m.

Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches that the liver and gallbladder work in the early hours of the morning, so digestion should be completed beforehand so that these organs can properly recover.

What can we eat in between?

Many people are often hungry between meals because their metabolism works quickly. What can you eat then? Fruits, dried fruits, rice and corn biscuits, natural shakes, jellies made with agar-agar, herbal drinks, etc.

Always have something ready

We suggest that you always have something on hand so as not to run the risk of eating inappropriate food.

There are sure to be healthy, light snacks that you will enjoy, such as certain types of fruit. Try to always have one of these snacks with you. You can also make a fruit salad or a dried fruit bar yourself.

drink lots of water

Clean water cleanses our organism and fills our stomach when we get cravings. Often we are actually just thirsty and our body confuses the signal.

That is why we suggest drinking a glass of water whenever you feel like a snack. If you’re still hungry afterward, you can have a healthy, light bite to eat.

Eat at home

At home you always know what you are eating. On the other hand, if you dine out or buy ready-made meals, it is often unhealthy, fatty, poor quality food.

You can pre-cook for several days and store the food in the refrigerator or freezer so you can take it out when you need to eat out.

Images courtesy of Leonard John Matthews and n_sapiens

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