The Danger Of Cans

Different substances in plastic and metal containers can cause different complaints, from obesity to heart problems. It is therefore advisable to use glass or paper packaging.

The danger of canned food

A large amount of food from the supermarket comes packaged in cans. However, some studies have shown that these contain a material that produces toxic and harmful substances.

Read the following article to learn more about the dangers of canned food.

Bispehnol A is used to manufacture the inner coating of cans, a substance that can accumulate in the body and have negative consequences.

A Harvard University study found that people who consumed canned soups for five days had large amounts of bisphenol A in their urine. She then checked the presence of bisphenol A in the urine, which, however, was not detected.

Is bisphenol A toxic?

Bisphenol (also abbreviated to BPA) is the subject of many studies. A publication in the journal Medical Association has shown that this substance is used in the production of plastic, resin and cans.

In the United States, a report found this substance was found in abundance in babies, children and fetuses.

Food can

Canada was one of the first countries to declare this substance toxic. The European Union followed suit and issued a ban on the use of BPA in baby bottles.

Nevertheless, resins with BPA are still used in other products, such as the inner coating of metal cans used for food and beverages.

There is currently too little information on whether an accumulation of bisphenol A can have harmful effects on the body. However, animal experiments carried out are alarming.

For example, BPA has been found to work like an active endocrine disruptor, meaning that it can affect the endocrine system. This has been linked to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and being overweight.

The problem is not the cans themselves (even if you have to be careful with them), but the food that contains bisphenol A due to contact with the inner coating.

Research is being carried out into how BPA can be eliminated and what other options there are for cans

Food cans supermarket

Risks of canned food

BPA is not only found in cans, but also in plastic and other foods. Glass and paper are the only types of packaging that are BPA free. Have you also noticed that the taste of the food changes depending on the packaging?

The synthetic chemical products that are used in the packaging, storage and processing of food are silent enemies.

Nobody really knows what effects these have on health. The majority of these ingredients are not inert, so they can seep into your food without any problem.

People who consume a large amount of canned food are at higher risk of building up this substance in their body. As mentioned earlier, BPA can lead to obesity, hormonal changes, heart problems, and diabetes.

Food cans

Too little research has been done on this topic. What has already been confirmed, however, is that cans contain various toxins (e.g.  formaldehyde, which is classified as a carcinogen). These are also found in small quantities in plastic bottles.

The dangers of canned tuna

Tuna is a popular food that has many uses and contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids and phosphorus. However, the mercury contained in cans binds to the intestine via these active substances.

Mercury can be toxic to the nervous system. This metal can be found both in cans and in various fishing areas.

Mercury can increase the risk of heart attacks and also negatively affect the development of the nervous system in the fetus. It can also cause changes in nerve sensors.

Tuna cans

Risks of coating aluminum cans

The majority of food cans on the market have a plastic coating, which is epoxy resin that is used on the surface to prevent the food from oxidizing and acids from damaging the material.

Can poisoning: an old problem

The problem with the cans is not new. Already at the time of John Franklin’s Arctic expeditions, many died of canned food. This has also been confirmed in many studies.

Much of the poisoning was caused by lead used to solder the metal cans together. There are many myths and stories on this subject and the manufacturing process has of course changed a lot. Still, you should be careful.


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