Foods That Are Gentle On The Stomach

Cinnamon and fennel have an excellent effect against gas formation.

Foods that are gentle on the stomach

There are many stomach-friendly foods that, thanks to their healing properties, can naturally relieve some gastrointestinal diseases (e.g. diarrhea, stomach distension, flatulence or cramps).

Here we offer you helpful tips and explain which stomach- friendly foods are recommended for stomach diseases.

Food that is gentle on the stomach:  papaya

This delicious fruit is excellent for gastritis and stomach ulcers. Papaya is easy to digest and relieves pain and heartburn that can be caused by other foods that are irritating to the stomach.

Papaya can be eaten raw but very ripe for breakfast or drunk as a juice.



Oats are a very complete food that has a filling effect, so snacks between meals can be avoided.

In addition, thanks to its high fiber content, it contributes to better digestion and helps lower cholesterol levels. Oats are often used for cosmetic treatments and weight loss diets.


This delicious type of fruit is high in fiber, pectin and other natural enzymes that prevent many ailments.

People who have sensitive stomachs can eat baked apples because their properties can then be better used in this way.

Food that is gentle on the stomach: cinnamon

cinnamon sticks

Cinnamon is often used to treat diarrhea or stomach irritation. Cinnamon also helps against unpleasant inflammation and flatulence, which often cause pain and other ailments. Cinnamon can be made as a tea or used as a spice.


Fennel is an amazing natural remedy for gas. If you want to make a fennel tea to alleviate uncomfortable gas, pour a teaspoon of fennel seeds over a cup of boiling water.

Let the tea brew and then drink it warm.

Stomach-friendly foods: avocado


Avocados have a very high proportion of potassium and fiber, and because of their natural fatty acids, consuming this fruit is very beneficial for our stomachs. Avocados can be eaten at any meal in combination with other foods.

Now you know the advantages of the listed foods for stomach problems and can take them into account accordingly in your diet. These foods are not only healthy but also a real treat for the palate.

And don’t forget our motto: Better prevention than cure.

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