How Do Hair Grow Faster?

After washing your hair you can let apple cider vinegar work for a short time. Massage the scalp gently to stimulate the hair follicles and then rinse with plenty of water.

How does hair grow faster?

Even if we are mostly unaware of it, the hair is constantly renewing itself. That is why it should be cared for so that it always grows back healthy and strong. Here you can find out what can help  hair grow faster.

For beautiful hair, nutrients and vitamins that promote growth are recommended, for example protein-rich foods such as fish, eggs and meat.

There are various home remedies or commercially available products that ensure that hair grows faster . However, you should not forget that these still do not grow more than 1.5 – 3 cm per month.

Below we recommend several natural ways to encourage hair growth.

  • Wash your hair 2-3 times a week using a mild shampoo without salt so that the hair does not dry out and the natural oils are retained.
  • It is best to use cold water for this so that the hair becomes strong and shiny. Gently massage the scalp while washing and then use a conditioner.

Frequent combing

It is best to use a soft brush to comb the hair so that the hair does not break. Brushing promotes the production of natural oils, which helps to achieve beautiful hair.

Be careful with the straightening iron!


Straightening irons and hairdryers are utensils that are very often used for styling, but are not necessarily recommended for hair health. We do not recommend using heat treatments too often and only at low temperatures.

The straightening iron should only be used on dried hair . Even if there are devices that are suitable for damp or wet hair, it is not recommended as it can damage the hair and break it.

avoid stress

A bit of stress at work, at university or with the family is quite normal. However, if there are frequent stressful situations, one should learn in good time to cope with or prevent them so that it does not trigger physical or mental illnesses.

With constant stress, the hair also suffers a lot, there is increased hair loss and weak, brittle hair.

Natural remedies for better hair growth

olive oil

Massage olive oil onto the scalp to nourish the hair so it will grow back healthy and strong. Let the oil work for about 30 minutes and then rinse off with plenty of water.

Aloe vera

Mix aloe vera gel with a little honey and apply to the scalp to promote hair growth. Let it work for half an hour and then rinse off with lukewarm water. Aloe vera can also be stirred into the shampoo.


Avocado is great for strong, healthy hair. It can be mixed into the shampoo and used as a hair mask. Mash half an avocado and mix with a little honey. Apply this mask to your hair, then massage gently.

Then rinse after a few minutes. This mask can then be used about three times a month.


Mix tomato puree with a little olive oil and then apply to the scalp with gentle massages. After a few minutes of action, rinse with plenty of water.


Protein contains vitamins that promote hair growth. Mix together, then apply with a gentle massage. After a short period of action, rinse with water. Since the smell is not very pleasant, we recommend using this mask before shampooing.

Essential oils

As already mentioned, it is important that the hair preserves its own natural oils. To help,  a few drops of lavender, jojoba, and rosemary essential oils can be applied to the hair. 

Mix the three oils and apply to the scalp and hair to the tips.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be used as a conditioner after washing your hair. Mix the vinegar with water in equal parts and massage into the scalp to encourage hair growth. Then rinse with plenty of water.

Cut the tips so that the hair grows faster

cut hair

At least every three months, cutting the ends of the hair so that the hair can grow back stronger.

Do not forget…

Good sleeping habits are also important for beautiful, well-growing hair. We hope that these simple and inexpensive tips are helpful and we wish you every success!

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