The “Elixir Of Eternal Youth And Long Life” From Tibet

One reads again and again about the mysterious elixir, the recipe of which is said to come from Tibet. It promises eternal youth and long life. But what is in it and what is it about the rumor? We explain it to you here!

The "Elixir of Eternal Youth and Long Life" from Tibet

Again and again you read about the mysterious elixir, the recipe of which is said to come from Tibet. It promises eternal youth and long life. But what is in it and what is it about the rumor? We explain it to you here!

Three ingredient elixir

The recipe for the elixir is said to have been scratched on a clay tablet over 2000 years ago and thus recorded for posterity. The list of ingredients is easy to read: honey, olive oil, lemon. To prepare it yourself, we’ll tell you the recipe.

You need:

  • 100 ml lemon juice
  • 200 ml of honey and
  • 50 ml of olive oil

Mix all three ingredients together and store the elixir in the refrigerator. It is said that a teaspoon daily on an empty stomach is the correct dose. We will now explain to you what the individual ingredients can do:

Lemon for the elixir of eternal youth


Lemon juice is high in vitamin C and other important vitamins and minerals. Also phytochemicals and antioxidants. Oxidative stress is one of the causes of a large number of pathological processes and is also associated with the symptoms of aging.

Antioxidants are our most important allies in the fight against highly reactive oxygen compounds. The so-called free radicals are caused by influences such as UV radiation, exhaust gases, drugs and environmental toxins in the body.

What follows from this is called oxidative stress. Too much of it can cause cell damage and accelerate our aging process. He is also held responsible for a number of diseases.

Antioxidants are natural ingredients that can protect our body cells from these harmful influences. The antioxidants include vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.



Honey has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. This allows slight swellings to decrease and small wounds to heal better. A bee honey-based medical product is already on the market that is used in hospitals for wound care.

olive oil

olive oil

Cold-pressed, high-quality olive oil contains anti-inflammatory substances.  These have a similar effect to anti-inflammatory drugs available in pharmacies.

Representatives of the “Mediterranean diet” explain that olive oil has an optimal fatty acid ratio. That is why it should be particularly healthy for the heart and good for the blood vessels.

Criticism of the elixir: availability of ingredients

It is now accepted that the recipe for the “Tibetan elixir” is a modern fairy tale. Tibet is at an average altitude of 4500 m, so olives and lemons cannot grow there. Both plants cannot tolerate too harsh climates and too cold winters.

2000 years ago there was no extensive trade with the Mediterranean. These two ingredients cannot therefore have reached Tibet.

Criticism of the elixir: effectiveness of the ingredients

The elixir stands in the refrigerator for several weeks until it is used up. Vitamins from lemon disintegrate during storage. The positive effect of the lemon decreases with each day of storage.

Secondary plant substances and antioxidants are basically found in all fresh fruit and vegetables. A balanced diet with lots of colorful vegetables contributes significantly more to the supply of these active ingredients!


Honey is really anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. However, this effect has only been proven when used externally. Not when swallowing an elixir with honey.

Honey consists largely of glucose and fructose. That’s why it tastes so sweet. But it makes the blood sugar level rise. If used regularly on an empty stomach, it can lead to the dreaded “insulin mast”, which causes obesity.

Oil (2)

Olive oil in the miracle elixir

Olive oil is also not as healthy as the advertising leads us to believe: It is not only the intake of essential fatty acids through our food that is decisive. The ratio of these fatty acids is also fundamental.

The higher the proportion of omega3 fatty acids and the lower the proportion of omega6 fatty acids, the more optimal the oil. The ratio of omega3 to omega6 should not be more than 1: 5 in order to keep the cardiovascular risk low.

The “healthy olive oil”, highly praised by good marketing, comes off surprisingly badly at 1:11: It has an unfavorable ratio of these two fatty acids.

So it is definitely not because of the olive oil that the “Mediterranean Diet” is so healthy!

Domestic linseed oil has the highest omega3 content (1: 4)! If you don’t like the intense taste, you can also use rapeseed oil (1: 2), walnut oil (1: 6) or soybean oil (1: 7). Their fatty acid ratios are much healthier than the widespread sunflower oil (1: 122 !!!), corn oil (1:54) or peanut oil (1:32). Oils that are often used in gastronomy because they are cheap and can be heated to a high level.

The Tibetan miracle elixir is not dangerous, but it is also not effective. But, as is well known, belief moves mountains. Tibetans also went to the Mediterranean region to grow olive groves …

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