Don’t Plant Flowers In Gardens Where Nobody Is Watering!

If you don’t pay attention to the flowers you plant, you don’t deserve them.

Don't plant flowers in gardens where nobody is watering!

Those who plant flowers want them to flourish, grow, bloom and bring joy.

But what use are flowers to those who do not appreciate them, their beauty, cannot see the flowers and cannot water them?

Be careful where you plant your flowers!

Plant flowers to make them grow

The thought of planting flowers figuratively means investing feelings in another person. Those who water their flowers let them grow and flourish, grow into ever larger and more beautiful flowers.

How feelings can grow, mature and flourish in people. With this in mind, we plant all flowers in other people’s gardens.

But if you don’t water flowers, you let them wither and dry up, nothing grows anymore, the beauty fades and the investment in the flower was in vain.

This means that you should think carefully about who you are investing feelings in. Not everyone deserves or knows how to handle your feelings.

Woman cat

How do I know who is a good gardener?

Those who want their flowers to live and have a future should plant with caution and only entrust them to experienced gardeners.

But how do you know who is a good gardener and who is not? Here too you need experience – in this case it is a knowledge of human nature and the knowledge that a flower is not lightly planted in other gardens.

The more life experience you have, the less often you will plant flowers in the wrong gardens, but you too will always make “planting mistakes”.

It can also happen that someone you know as a perfect gardener suddenly changes his interests and then lets the plant dry out, even though he first watered it and even fertilized it.

So choose the garden wisely, give yourself time and let the flower grow and get stronger before you plant it out.

The stronger the flower and the better you know the gardener, the greater the chance that he will care for it properly. So never plant in a hurry and never plant too small plants that would not (yet) survive planting out!


Don’t forget your plant!

But you also bear part of the responsibility to ensure that the flower grows and does not go away again. Choose a safe location for her, get to know her well, recognize her needs.

Does she need warmth or does she like cold? Does she love the sun or does she prefer the shade? Does she like to bathe her feet in water or does she prefer to walk barefoot through sand?

First, get to know your own needs and explore your expectations, which you set in the emotions that you give to another person like a plant.

When you know what you want and what you expect. In this way you can also better assess whether you have found the right person, i.e. the right location for your plantation.

So you also have a certain responsibility for your planting. And this does not go out directly when the roots are pressed into the earth.

You know that sometimes even the best gardener needs to be reminded to water and fertilize.

But if it’s a good gardener, then you also know that he will make sure that the growth of the little plant is in the best of hands, in the responsibility of the two of you.


Solve problems

Since the responsibility for the growth of the delicate little plant, the flower, also lies somewhat with you, you too have an obligation to ensure that the little plant does not die in the first storm.

If the storm moves out, give it support by supporting it with a stick. If heavy rain pours down, which can destroy its delicate leaves, then hold your hand over them protectively.

If the heat is about to burn them, provide shade – or have the gardener of your choice provide shade, shelter from rain, and support for the plant.

In every relationship that is supposed to grow, both sides are responsible for it.

Both have to garden hand in hand for the flower to grow and bloom beautiful flowers that can turn into sweet fruits.

But in order for this to succeed, choose carefully, patience and experience in which garden you plant, to whom you give your heart and your great feelings!

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