4 Ways To Clean And Disinfect Pillows

When you think about it, there are really few objects in the house that you use as often and for as long as the pillow. But do you also give him the proper care?

4 ways to clean and disinfect pillows

Did you know that  pillows should be washed and disinfected every month? Do you do that So as not to make your pillows  the home of various harmful bacteria and microorganisms, here are four easy ways to keep them clean.

We often take great care of our bed linen. We ventilate them daily and wash them every week to prevent dust particles and  other elements from getting stuck.

This is how we wash the pillowcase, but seldom worry about what’s inside. This is a big mistake, because just as much, if not more, dirt can accumulate in the pillows  than in the sheets and covers.

The dust that falls on the bed linen when it is aired is also found in the pillows.  Even we ourselves contribute when we lay our heads on it at night. So why shouldn’t they be cleaned greenish every now and then?

How do you wash and disinfect a pillow quickly and easily?

In the following, we explain some processes that you can use to quickly wash and disinfect your pillows. This will allow you to clean them more regularly without complicating your full day.

1.- In the washing machine

Most pillows can be easily cleaned in the washing machine.  Read the etiquette beforehand and then follow these tips afterwards:

  • Use liquid laundry detergent instead of powder; so you avoid leftovers in the pillow.
  • Add some lightweight clothing  to the wash so that the washing machine can balance itself out and not damage it.
  • Repeat the rinse process  so that the detergent is properly rinsed out.

After washing, let the pillows dry in the sun for a full day. This is very important. If they stay moist inside, they could break.

2.- Quick wash

Quick wash

The filling is often not made to be washed that often. So try to wash only the wrapping fabric every month.

With some pillows you can take out the filling.  Sometimes you can do this by opening a few buttons or finding a zipper.

So you can easily machine wash the pillowcase with the bed linen.  This way you will know that your pillow is sanitized and free of dust mites.

3.- Baking soda and vinegar for a thorough cleaning

If you think that your pillows need a really thorough cleaning, then turn to the trusty baking soda and of course vinegar.  You can do this type of cleaning as follows:

  • Mix half a cup of baking soda with half a cup of vinegar.
  • Put your pillows in the washing machine.
  • Add the mixture when the machine fills up with water.
  • Then wash the pillows as we explained in the first method.

This technique not only washes and disinfects your pillows, but also brightens them.  These ingredients always promise a lightening effect that you can rely on.

4.- Hydrogen peroxide against stains

It might sound strange, but hydrogen peroxide can be useful for washing and disinfecting pillows. However, it has its limitations compared to the previously mentioned methods.

It only works on white pillows.  Due to its bleaching effect, it is not advisable to use it on dark or strong colors.

Lavar y desinfectar las almohadas es fundamental para conservar su buen estado e higiene.

You can also treat specific stains with hydrogen peroxide, not the entire pillow.  You put a little of it on the stain you want to remove.

It is still a very useful way to remove small stains caused by cosmetics, creams, blood or even sweat.

So you can easily improve the hygiene in the bedroom.  We spend at least eight hours in bed every day. The pillow is an object that is very close to our airways. So it only seems natural to wash and disinfect it regularly.

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