5 Natural Remedies For Sciatica Pain

In addition to prescription drugs, the following natural remedies for sciatica pain can help.

5 Natural Remedies For Sciatica Pain

When sciatic pain  (or short sciatica) is defined as a pain in the lower back, which continues over the gluteal muscle to the legs.

The causes of the pain are a protruding disc, a misalignment or an injury that then presses on the nerve.

Often this results in a painful inflammation that is accompanied by numbness and pain in the leg. Sciatica pain can vary in severity. But among middle-aged people, it is one of the main reasons for being sick.

That’s why in this article we’re introducing you to 5 natural remedies for sciatica pain that you can use to get the suffering under control.

But first we want to give you some facts about this widespread back pain.

The causes of sciatica pain

Sciatica pain often occurs as a result of a protruding disc. This intervertebral disc presses on nerves in the spine and thus causes permanent inflammation. Another cause may be excessive bone growth around the vertebrae.

Often the pain occurs after great exertion. But an injury or previous illnesses such as diabetes can also trigger the pain.

Risk factors

  • Obesity
  • Lifting heavy objects
  • Back damage in old age
  • sitting too long


Sciatica pain is uncomfortable

Recurrent or long-lasting pain in the area of ​​the sciatic nerve is the main symptom of this condition.

But these symptoms can also occur:

  • Persistent pain in the hip or one leg only (rarely both legs are affected).
  • Pain that gets worse when sitting.
  • A burning or tingling sensation that spreads into the legs.
  • Weakness, numbness, or difficulty moving your legs.
  • Sharp pain that makes standing or walking difficult.

5 natural remedies

1 onion

Onions help relieve sciatica pain

While onions may not smell great, they have anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties. In this way, they help calm the inflamed sciatic nerve.


  • Cut an onion in half and then use the cut to massage the lower back in small, circular movements for 10 minutes.
  • Repeat the procedure twice a day until you feel better.

2. Cabbage leaves

Kohl works against sciatica pain

Cabbage has many good properties that naturally calm the sciatic nerve.


  • Heat some cabbage leaves and then place them on the painful area on your back. 
  • Leave it on for 10 minutes.
  • Repeat the application twice a day if necessary.

3. Ginger oil

Ginger works against sciatica pain

Ginger oil contains an active ingredient called gingerol. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and also provides a warming feeling on the skin, which relieves pain.


  • Put some ginger oil on the palms of your hands and massage it into the affected parts of the body for 8 to 10 minutes. Then let it soak in for a while.
  • Apply the oil once a day until the pain subsides.

4. Garlic

Garlic works against sciatica pain

Garlic stimulates blood circulation. In this way, it helps treat injuries to the sciatic nerve.


  • Eat one clove of garlic in the morning on an empty stomach and another just before bed.

5. Marigold oil

Marigold works against sciatica pain

This oil is particularly effective because it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is suitable for external use and helps relieve a whole range of different pains.

Rubbing it into the skin stimulates blood circulation, reduces inflammation and makes movement easier.


  • Put some marigold oil on the skin where you feel the pain and massage it in for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Don’t apply too much pressure to avoid making the pain worse.
  • Apply the oil twice a day.

If you have sciatica pain, you should try these natural home remedies. In addition, it is important that you avoid undue stress on the back and follow a healthy lifestyle. The best thing to do is to see your doctor and discuss therapy options with him.

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