How To Avoid Being Unhappy In Love

You have to stop repeating the same relationship patterns. Make conscious choices.

How to Avoid Being Unhappy in Love

Many people are  unhappy in love. But is it really bad luck or bad luck? Isn’t the problem perhaps elsewhere?

Instead of talking about unhappiness in relationships, ask yourself if you might be picking the wrong partners.

Have you complained that you always fall in love with the same type of person? Are your partners similar in any way that they don’t respect you or love you the way you want them to?

In this article we will look at the feeling of being  unhappily in love .

Relationship patterns in romantic partnerships

to be unhappy in love hurts

If you keep finding yourself in relationships that have a certain pattern, it’s not bad luck. In reality, it means that you are shutting yourself off from making the same mistakes over and over again. You always fall into the same trap.

For example, if you always have partners who abuse you – why do you enter into these relationships?

During the infatuation phase, some partners often seem very lovable, but then they change.

But right now you have to make a decision. At the first sign of disrespect or abuse, you should walk away with your head held high.

However, what happens to many people is that they excuse everything under the guise of “love”. Despite the insults, they stand by their partner and endure the situation. Then repeat this pattern with the next partner and the next but one. The result is always the same.

Think about what mistakes are actually yours. Perhaps you are all too willing to blame your partner for the responsibility? Be clear about your expectations. The following errors are very common:

  • You wait for things to change You give your partner a chance, maybe a second and a third. The love for your partner is so overwhelming (at least you think so) that you hope they may change for your sake. But that won’t happen.
  • Your expectations are too high. Your partner should be perfect for you, the only one, your better half … That’s why you fight for him and endure all adversities to make everything perfect.
  • Once is never.  The first time your partner yells at you, it may not affect you. But after the tenth time it starts to hurt you. However, it should never happen, or it will become normal for you.

    Unhappily in love through unconscious decisions

    Being unhappy in love hurts

    Being unhappy in love can also be a sign that you are not consciously choosing your partners. In some cases, it means that you may not have made a choice.

    You fall in love with the first person you meet. You don’t even think of rejecting her – because she seems so nice and open-hearted to you!

    This pattern of behavior is a sign of very low self-esteem. Learn to say “no”. You have to first find out if you want a relationship at all and what you are looking for before deciding on a partner.

    Are you waiting for someone to pay attention to you first so that you can devote yourself entirely to them afterwards?

    If that’s a pattern you recognize, you’re not unhappily in love – you have low self-esteem. However, having healthy self-esteem is absolutely essential to taking care of yourself and protecting yourself from harm.

    Partnership at any price

    Being unhappy in love makes you lonely

    As a result, we often become obsessed with the feeling that we desperately want a partner. This can trigger stress and anxiety, which are often exacerbated by our environment and society.

    Having a partner is often equated with happiness. Being in a relationship means raising a family and being content.

    But if that’s true, why are there so many unhappy couples?

    That’s because not everyone makes conscious choices.

    There is absolutely no compulsion to have a partner. It doesn’t matter how old you are. Give up your ingrained belief that you are “too old to marry”. Such feelings only harm you.

    Being unhappy in love can cause a lot of pain. Because you stumble over the same stone time after time.

    Don’t let the feeling dominate you that you want a partner at all costs. Stop repeating the same patterns in your relationships and don’t be dazzled during the infatuation phase.

    Make your decisions consciously!

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