Knee Pain: 4 Things To Do And 3 Better To AVOID

When your knees hurt, it is essential to take a rest. If you put too much strain on the joint, the situation can even get worse. Likewise, one should avoid cold-hot alternating baths: Warmth is better at the beginning

Knee pain: 4 things to do and 3 better to avoid

Knee pain can occur at any age. This pain is not only caused by osteoarthritis; Sometimes a wrong movement, a problem in the cartilage or even a small cyst in the joint is enough and problems arise.

The most important thing in such cases is appropriate medical diagnostics and treatment tailored to individual needs.

Of course, the treatment of knee pain in an athlete cannot be the same as in an older person with a more sedate lifestyle: the main thing, no doubt, is to be careful and always follow the advice of experts.

On the other hand, it can’t hurt to try some homemade remedies. It is also a good idea to reach out to nature, who is always wise and able to improve our quality of life in the process of relaxation.

Today, in our article, we want to give you 4 good pieces of advice and 3 warnings that can help you.

1. Recovery: one should not risk making the situation worse

One of the greatest difficulties that one normally has when experiencing knee pain is to realize what the body needs now and to follow it: what the body needs is rest.

  • Any overload or incorrect movement can aggravate the pain and further damage the structures: ligaments, meniscus, bones …
  • You know that exercise is positive. Moving will prevent many ailments in the joints. But if the symptoms are already there, there is no point in putting any more strain on the joint.
  • First of all, it is necessary to treat yourself to an extensive period of rest. Then you can gradually begin a therapy for reconstruction in a harmonious way. This should best be based on swimming exercises or physical therapy.

    The most important thing is not to walk on rocky or uneven terrain: there is a risk of falling.

    2. Remedies to strengthen the tendons



    • One cup of oatmeal with quick cook time (150 g)
    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
    • a cup of pineapple juice (250 ml)
    • 1 cup of orange juice (250 ml)
    • 2 spoons of honey (50 g)
    • 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder (7 g)


    • This simple, tasty, and nutritious remedy helps protect and regenerate the tendons in your knees.
    • Simply put all the ingredients in the blender and use them to make a creamy drink.
    • Then pour everything into a glass bottle and drink in three portions: one in the morning, the second at noon and the last 2 hours before going to bed.

    3. Massage with apple cider vinegar and olive oil

    Finally, apple cider vinegar is very effective in relieving and treating knee pain.

    • Its “magic” is in its alkalizing effect. Apple cider vinegar has the ability to clear the buildup of harmful toxins that become concentrated in the joints when they become inflamed.
    • Combining apple cider vinegar with olive oil makes a wonderful anti-inflammatory cure.
    • All you have to do is apply a spoonful of apple cider vinegar to a cotton ball along with a little olive oil.
      Then apply to the knee with the cotton ball and massage in gently. You can repeat the application up to 3 times a day.

      4. Remedies with nettle and lime juice



      • 8 spoons of nettles (80 g)
      • 1 liter of water
      • The juice of a lime


      Nettle tea has always been a wonderful remedy for treating inflammation or pain in the joints.

      • Combining something as simple as the nettle with the lime juice results in a natural and detoxifying use. The combination is rich in vitamin C to regenerate the cartilage and is ideal for being able to recover physically and mentally.
      • In order to prepare such medicinal water, the first thing to do is to boil tea from the nettle and half a liter of water. Simmer the tea over a high flame for about 20 minutes and then let it steep for another 10 minutes.
      • After this step, let the mixture cool down and save the cold tea.
      • As a last step, add the lime juice and the remaining half a liter of water. Drink throughout the day. So you feel fresh and vital.

      3 things NOT to do when suffering from knee pain

      Knee pain

      Be careful with cold and warm therapies

      We have all heard many times that cold and warm therapies are particularly good at reducing pain and inflammatory processes.

      However, one should be more careful: it is better to avoid warm compresses during the first 48-72 hours. This only increases the pain in the joint.

      The best measures in the first few days are:

      • Apply chilled compresses.
      • Put on a compression bandage.
      • Let the joint rest with the leg up.

      Be careful with the shoes you use

      If you regularly suffer from knee pain, you should take a closer look at the shoes you are wearing. But the sole is more than the footwear itself.

      • The shoes don’t have to be the trigger for the knee pain, but they can make the pain even worse.
      • It is advisable to seek advice from a professional as to which type of insert would be suitable for the particular problem.

      There are shock-absorbing insoles that cushion the impact of the foot on the floor when walking and thereby relieve knee pain.

      Be careful with ginger-based food supplements

      It is already known that ginger, as a medicinal root, is very helpful in relieving pain in connection with inflammatory processes.

      However, two simple aspects should be kept in mind before resorting to classic ginger-based food supplements:

      • If you are already taking anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by your doctor, it is better not to combine them with ginger.
      • In general, if you have high blood pressure, you should avoid ginger.

      Note that any type of medication could interfere with these types of plants. The smartest thing is to always consult a specialist before taking it.

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