These Foods Support Your Liver!

It makes sense to make sure that our liver is always functioning well. These foods will help you with this!

These foods support your liver!

The liver is one of our most important organs – and one of those that are particularly stressed in everyday life: alcohol, medicines, pesticides and other environmental toxins have to be broken down by it day after day so that these substances do not poison us.

So be kind to your liver because it keeps you alive! Also spoil her regularly with food that will help her in her vital work!

Artichokes for the liver


The artichoke as a traditional medicinal plant can support this important organ in its metabolic tasks. The bitter substance contained in artichokes stimulates the metabolism of the liver and bile. And artichokes don’t just taste good on pizza and in a glass. They also taste freshly prepared, boiled in salt water and great with a little olive oil!

Dandelions for the liver


The dandelion also contains bitter substances that support the liver’s metabolism. Spring is the best time to enjoy fresh dandelions! Make sure, however, that you only pick the young leaves far away from roads.

There are hardly any limits to the preparation of dandelions and you can use it as follows:

  • prepare as a salad
  • Process in green smoothies
  • Pour a tea out of it
  • how to prepare spinach as a vegetable
  • Make sauces out of it
Drink water for the liver


Drinking calorie-free beverages helps to provide the liver with optimal support in its detoxifying tasks. Only when the body has enough fluid available can toxins be transported to it and broken down there!

Make sure the water you drink is rich in minerals. It pays to compare the labels in the supermarket with a little time. Then take the water that has the highest mineral content.

If you don’t like it, choose the one with the second highest mineral content. In this way, you supply your body with important minerals while drinking, which it needs to keep its functions!

The rule of thumb for what water you need to consume every day is very simple: it should be around 40ml of water per kilo of body weight. So if you weigh 60kg, your personal amount of water you drink is 2.4 liters per day. These values ​​increase further:

  • when you play sports
  • when sweating
  • when you are out and about in dry mountain air
  • with dry heating air
  • if you take diuretics
Milk thistle for the liver

Milk thistle

The milk thistle is known for its healing support in the regeneration of the liver.

The active ingredients of milk thistle can be bought in tablet form in health food stores or pharmacies. Alternatively, a milk thistle tea is also possible. Dried milk thistle is available in the pharmacy. If you drink milk thistle tea regularly, you also contribute to a healthy supply of fluids, which of course also pleases your liver!


It is the bitter substances in chicory that are good for our fat metabolism and relieve the liver. Chicory is often prepared as a salad. But it also tastes good as a vegetable side dish or gratinated as a casserole. And it is even used in delicious smoothies !

Radiccio for the liver


The lettuce leaves are very unpopular with children. Also, this is due to the healthy bitter substances that stimulate the liver and gall bladder and ensure a healthy digestive system. Radicchio goes very well with fruity salad ingredients, for example pears. So how about an autumn radicchio and pear salad with pumpkin seed or walnut oil and sprinkled nuts?

And what the liver doesn’t like at all …

… are alcohol, sugar, dyes, preservatives, pesticides, flavorings and other products from chemical laboratories that have no place in natural foods!

Additionally, support your liver by providing it with foods that are as free as possible. Therefore, if possible, use organic food or from your own garden. Otherwise, make sure that food is always washed and peeled thoroughly and lukewarm in order to minimize the pollution of conventional foods.

You should also be considerate of your liver when using medication.  Because even over-the-counter drugs are not exactly liver-friendly! The popular pain reliever paracetamol has a harmful effect on the liver. So if you absolutely want to relieve headaches with medication, do not use paracetamol, but rather aspirin, for example.

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