Habits That Harm The Intestines

Does your nervousness lead to stomach problems? Most of the time we pay attention to the diet, but forget that stress and worries can also affect the digestive system.

Habits that harm the gut

Swelling, gas, stomach pressure, etc. are common bowel problems. The intestine has a very important function in our body. There is also a connection between the intestines and our state of mind (including stress or anxiety).

There are many factors that affect our health, problems that in many cases can lead to the well-known irritable bowel syndrome. What can be done

Which habits should we change to maintain our intestinal health? Read on to learn more about why and how to prevent it.

1. Too much stress harms the intestines


You should take stress very seriously. Today’s rhythm of life, the constant rush, everyday worries, fear and stress have a direct impact on intestinal and stomach health.

There are even theories that claim that the gut is  our second brain. Indeed, this is where some neurotransmitters are synthesized.

Reason enough to give our life balance and calm. According to experts, increased stress levels can lead to irritable bowel syndrome. Therefore, you should consider the following points:

  • The autonomic nervous system is affected. Our state of mind influences, the bowel function accelerated and inhibited.
  • The hormonal balance is disrupted. Stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol can cause digestive problems.
  • Compulsive eating behavior.  Many people tend to stuff a lot into themselves when they are stressed to calm the nerves and reduce anxiety. The intestine becomes overloaded as it receives an increased supply of food. There are digestive and absorption problems.

    Again as a reminder: Your lifestyle and mood can have a negative effect on your organism, especially the intestines. Live a quieter life, eat slowly, enjoy your life and that of your loved ones in a relaxed way.

    2. Wrong and inappropriate diet

    2.1. Avoid fried foods, processed foods, fast foods, and foods that contain fat

    Junk food

    Hamburgers, fries, chicken, pizza, onion rings … we all know too well what junk food is. Nevertheless, we like to fall back on them because of a lack of time or because we simply like it. 

    Ask yourself the following question: How often did you have stomach ache right after eating the meals mentioned ?

    These meals have almost hardly any soluble fiber, which is   why it can happen that excessive consumption leads to disorders in the intestinal tract (both diarrhea and constipation).

    • Health tip : Use the oven more often to prepare various dishes, so you will need a lot less fat. Vegetables are best prepared in the steam bath, as this preserves their taste and vitamins. The best and healthiest oil is definitely olive oil.

    2.2. Avoid red meat

    Red meat

    Why Avoid Red Meat? Mainly because it is difficult to digest, has a high percentage of fat and in many cases its origin is unclear.

    The animals are often genetically modified to speed up growth so that the meat is full of toxins that are not very advisable.

    • Health tip: Choose lean meat, such as poultry. When buying, pay attention to the origin of the meat where the animals were bred. Fry the meat without fat or use the oven to prepare it. Simple forms of preparation without sauces are usually lower in calories and fat.

    2.3. Avoid dairy products

    Dairy products

    Dairy products can also trigger irritable bowel syndrome.  These are often not well tolerated and difficult to digest because they do not contain any fiber.

    They also contain fat and lactose, which can cause severe digestive problems, including diarrhea and constipation. So avoid them as much as possible.

    • Health tip : It’s actually very simple. Replace dairy products with natural, herbal products. There is a wide choice here. Oat milk, rice water, almond or walnut milk or even milk made from pistachios. These types of milk are readily available in stores or you can make them yourself. Well worth the try.

    3. Consumption of certain drugs


    There have been many scientific studies that show that various bowel problems, such as: B. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, due to the consumption of antibiotics.

    It has even been shown that many patients develop this disease after acute inflammation. The increased consumption of these drugs directly harms the intestines.

    You are probably wondering how this is possible. Antibiotics do not differentiate between benign and malignant bacteria. Their function is basically to eliminate any type of microorganism. So there is a disturbance of the intestinal flora.

    However, be careful with other medicines as well: B. with medication for constipation or diarrhea.

    Find natural remedies and avoid chemical ones as much as possible. Always ask your doctor about safety . He will explain the side effects of the medication to you in detail and advise you accordingly.

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