9 Natural Remedies For Toothache

If you want to treat toothache naturally in an emergency, you should start with good oral care and combine it with various home remedies.

9 natural remedies for toothache

Toothache can be very uncomfortable. Every injury in the oral cavity feels bigger and the pain is often throbbing and pressing particularly hard. The first way in this case should of course be to the dentist. In addition, various natural remedies  for toothache can  work.

The technical possibilities in the dental practice have greatly improved in recent years. But  when treatment cannot be immediate,  home remedies are beneficial for short-term pain control.

Today we’re going to introduce you to various natural remedies  for toothache  that you probably already have at home and can use in emergencies.

First and foremost, it should be mentioned that  proper oral hygiene is essential to prevent dental discomfort. But even if these are already there, you have to be very thorough and regular when cleaning your teeth.

Oral hygiene and toothache

Toothache is usually the result of inadequate oral care. Because when bacteria accumulate on the teeth and on the tongue, the risk of tooth decay and tooth infections is particularly high.

You  should therefore floss your teeth daily  to remove any food residue. Brush your teeth regularly and use a mouthwash afterwards.

Home remedies for toothache

1. Parsley

Parsley is not only helpful in the kitchen. It also works against  inflammation and can therefore relieve toothache. 


  • Just take a little fresh parsley and chew it several times a day.
  • This will reduce toothache and is also great for combating bad breath.

3. Salt

Salt has a disinfectant effect and can help against toothache. You can use it to treat abscesses or infections for a short time until you get an appointment with the dentist.


  • Dissolve a spoonful of salt in a small glass of water. Use this to rinse your mouth after every meal.

4. Garlic

Garlic for toothache

Garlic has powerful antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties, making it one of the best ways to fight infection and pain.


  • Squeeze a few cloves of garlic to get concentrated juice, then pour it directly onto the affected tooth or gum.

5. Black tea for toothache

It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, and thanks to its high concentration of tannic acid, it can effectively treat toothache.


  • Make a tea bag of black tea with hot water. As soon as it has cooled down a bit, you apply it to the affected area.
  • You can also drink the tea to experience its pain relieving effects from within.

6. A little alcohol

Watch out! This time we are not talking about alcohol for disinfecting wounds, but about an alcoholic drink such as whiskey or rum.

Alcohol in small amounts can relieve pain and help with viral infections. This is a safe and quick way to treat infections that may be found in the mouth.


  • Take a small glass of brandy and use it as a mouthwash. Spit out the alcohol afterwards.

7. Cloves

Cloves for toothache

Cloves are very popular, especially during the Christmas season. But they also contain eugenol, a  calming ingredient that can be used for toothache. 


  • You can place a clove directly on the affected area for a few minutes.
  • Another option is to put 5 cloves in your mouthwash and use it three times a day.

8. Onion

Onion for toothache

Onion juice contains antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties that  help reduce swelling around the mouth.


  • Place a small piece of onion directly on the sore tooth and apply some pressure to allow the juice to come out.

9. Hydrogen peroxide

If the toothache is due to an infection and it is accompanied by bad breath, a little hydrogen peroxide (maximum 3%) can help with the treatment.


  • Moisten a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide and place it on the affected tooth.
  • You can also use it to make a mouthwash. Mix one part hydrogen peroxide with three parts water.
  • After the treatment with hydrogen peroxide, the mouth is rinsed several times with water.

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