What To Do With Panic Attacks? 4 Helpful Tips

Panic attacks paralyze the patient and affect his physical and mental health. Find out today what you can do in this case. 

What to do with panic attacks  4 helpful tips

To panic attacks , unfortunately, it is very common, with various psychosocial factors, but other causes play an important role. In today’s article we talk about possible ways to prevent internal tension from occurring.

Panic Attacks: Internal Tension and Other Symptoms

Mayo Clinic experts  explain that panic attacks are sudden, very intense anxiety that  may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Racing heart
  • sweat
  • Tremble
  • Dry mouth
  • Difficulty breathing and feeling choked
  • Chest pain
  • Nausea and abdominal pain
  • Feeling of unreality
  • Paresthesia (uncomfortable body sensation)

These symptoms vary in each patient. But how does it come about? The exact causes cannot always be determined, which is why this disorder is also unpredictable. However, some people can learn to recognize certain situations that can trigger a panic attack. This will help them avoid them.

Panic Attacks: What To Do?

Panic Attacks: What To Do?
If you have panic attacks, it is important to have an examination and advice from your doctor.

This study, carried out at the Center for University Medicine Göttingen, shows the  difficulties in treating a panic attack, which can be traced back to various reasons:

  • Those affected do not seek professional help.
  • The guidelines for managing the crisis with psychological support and medication are unclear or not followed, depending on the outpatient treatment.

It is important to have a psychological diagnosis of the affected person  with possible treatments depending on the causes. After a personal analysis, there are various possibilities, which are often combined, psychotherapy, drugs and other ways.

The following factors also play an important role in treatment: age, whether the patient has already been treated for anxiety disorders, risk of suicide and the extent of the anxiety attacks. So a very thorough examination is required to take into account all aspects and guarantee the best possible treatment.

The drugs that are used in this case may vary in different countries. In addition, no general recommendations can be made in this regard. In any case, the correct dosage and information about possible side effects are important. 

Panic Attacks: General Recommendations

1. Can lavender oil help?

Various natural remedies can have a preventive effect or alleviate symptoms during a crisis. However, many of them lack relevant scientific studies that could confirm their effectiveness.

Lavender oil has been shown to be very effective  in calming patients down during an anxiety attack,  according to a  study carried out at the  Western University of Health Sciences in California (USA).

However, it must always be  diluted and used in the correct dosage. Get advice from your doctor!

2. Physical exercises for panic attacks

Physical exercises for panic attacks
Sport or relaxation exercises help to control a crisis and promote well-being.

Exercise, of course, is not the ultimate solution to preventing panic attacks. But research at the Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (Spain) shows that it can relieve anxiety.

At the same time, methods for muscle relaxation are recommended  For example, yoga or pilates are suitable. But there are other very helpful techniques as well.

3. Breathing techniques

A study conducted by Dr. Chóliz at the University of Valencia suggests that breathing techniques play a very important role in relaxing patients. As mentioned earlier, difficulty breathing is one of the symptoms of a crisis. For example, hyperventilation, which can begin before the panic attack, is typical. It is therefore essential to be able to control your breathing before and during the crisis.

4. Psychotherapy for panic attacks

Psychotherapy for panic attacks
Psychotherapy is very effective for the long-term treatment of panic attacks and stressful states.

Psychotherapy, which definitely helps against anxiety disorders, is very important for long-term treatment  The patient also has the opportunity to find support in self-help groups if he so wishes.

The psychologist helps the patient explore his or her emotional problems that  lead to panic attacks. The causes as well as the triggers and situations in which it usually occurs are explored. In this way, the patient can get to know, among other things, specific signs that indicate an impending crisis.

Don’t be afraid to seek help

Many people are ashamed of having panic attacks. They refuse to start therapy because they fear being labeled “weak” or “crazy”. However, you should think about the following question: Is the opinion of others really more important than your own health?

You should prioritize your own well-being and health and ignore harmful comments at all. Entering into therapy is a mature and courageous decision that requires commitment. You should definitely take this step, because with this support you can take control of your life again!

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