It Is Never Too Late To Do What You Feel Like Doing

The ones who hinder our personal growth the most are ourselves. Be it out of laziness or fear of failure, it is not easy to leave our comfort zone

It's never too late to do what you feel like doing

Doing what you feel like doing, what you love, builds you up and defines you. It turns you into a person who finds your way through everyday life and enjoys abundance and freedom.

In principle, we all know that too. However , we are also aware that it is not always easy to do what we feel like doing . The work, family obligations and other things that shape everyday life put our wishes on the chain.

For most things in life, a healthy balance is the state to strive for. We shouldn’t neglect our families, the people we love, and our social responsibilities.

But we mustn’t forget that we ourselves are the most important person in our life. And every now and then the chain has to be taken off.

If we stop doing what brings us joy and happiness, we gradually lose our individuality and identity.

Who says it’s too late to do what you feel like doing?

You have probably come across the following situation: You want to make a change in your life, a significant change of direction, but a family member or friend advises you against it, because “you are probably too old for that.”

Always remember that you are the only person in the world who has the right to choose what happens to your life. You yourself have to know what you feel like doing. Listen carefully, patiently and respectfully to the advice of others.

Then make your decision, rationally or intuitively, depending on how you feel.

balloon ride

The best time is now

Don’t think twice about it. There is no better time, no more appropriate age than now.

You never lose the right to start something new. It is never too late to do what makes you happy, and you should always be aware of that.

There is nothing worse than getting old and then realizing that you haven’t lived life.

It is said that every phase of life is shaped by certain experiences and experiences, there is something to discover at every age.

This is basically true, but despite all the experience we have gained , we do not have to orientate ourselves according to what society plans for us in our current year of life.

The more experience we gain, the wiser we become, and the more certain we become: we should do what we feel like doing.

To those who tell us it’s too late

Sometimes we manage to force ourselves to make our dreams come true, to implement what we have wanted for a long time. And then we run into a social wall.

That social wall is built out of prejudice, out of limited thought patterns. It is maintained by those who can no longer or do not want to grow themselves and are afraid of any change.

Note that such people can also be in your immediate environment. In fact, it is often family members and friends who hold you back at the last moment. What are you afraid of? From losing you

Before you step out of your comfort zone, but also out of their comfort zone, because they lack the courage to follow you.

Perhaps you dream of taking up a degree, going on a trip, starting to play sports, or making contact with friends with whom you have not spoken in a long time.

Doing what you feel like doing doesn’t necessarily mean extreme changes are on the way. Often it is precisely the details with which we enrich our everyday lives that make us happy.

Anyone who tells us that it is too late for us is attacking our self-esteem.

Such an assessment makes us believe that the train of our lives has already left and that we must be content with dreaming of what could have been and never will be again. Don’t let that happen!

Do what you want without harming others

The key isn’t hard to find: you can do whatever you want as long as your actions don’t harm other people.

What does that mean? We have to take into account that details can also have consequences for our fellow human beings, in some cases even serious consequences. For example, you cannot turn your world upside down and squander all the family’s savings.

Also for your children you bear the responsibility, and you can not travel the world without them.

Think about a healthy balance.


To do what you love in abundance and freedom and to share your happiness with others is certainly the best solution. Maybe you go on a smaller trip, take your children with you and show them the world.

In this way you bring your dreams closer to them and create the conditions for them to start dreaming themselves.


Such an experience enriches our inner being and makes us proud. And those who feel happy and satisfied with themselves have no problems making others happy.

It shouldn’t be difficult to do what you feel like doing. Nobody has the right to put walls in your way. Not even you. Because believe it or not, we ourselves are the ones who hinder us most from our personal development. How do we do that?

  • Through certain behaviors that limit us. We just think we’re too old for one thing or the other.
  • We are afraid of being wrong and failing.
  • And we worry too much about what others might think of us.
  • We are afraid of our own courage. It takes courage to turn your dreams into reality.

It is precisely this courage that is necessary to tear down or simply jump over the social walls. Never forget that it is never too late to pursue happiness. It’s never too late to love, travel, or learn again.

Your dream has to be strong enough, your body has to play along and you need a healthy attitude – then nothing and nobody can set you a limit.

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