4 Inexpensive And Natural Room Fragrance Dispensers

The strong aromas of some natural products can help create a pleasant smell in different rooms such as the kitchen or bathroom. Here we introduce you to the best tricks for cheap and natural room fragrance dispensers.

4 inexpensive and natural room fragrance dispensers

Nowadays there are numerous products that allow you to make your home smell pleasant. They also help to neutralize unpleasant odors that can arise in some rooms. However, many of these room fragrance dispensers that are available for sale contain chemical ingredients. And these, in turn, can be harmful to your health and the environment.

The industry gives us the idea that these products are the best solution for a fresh and pleasant fragrance in our home.

Nonetheless, some of its ingredients can be triggers for respiratory allergies, skin problems and environmental damage.

The problem with this is that these negative effects often don’t happen immediately after use. And so people think that these room fragrance dispensers are “harmless”. In addition, they are so easy to use. And most of them are also very cheap.

But the best thing is not to take the risk in the first place. And there are indeed natural alternatives to these industrial products. That’s why we’re introducing you to 4 great tricks here. With it you can make cheap and natural room fragrance dispensers for your home.

The best tricks for natural room fragrance dispensers

Using the following natural products is a great alternative to the industrial air fresheners. And they’re a surefire way to get rid of bad smells without putting your health at risk.

Their strong natural flavors make them great for neutralizing the smell of food, cigarettes, or mold.

In addition, some of these natural products have antimicrobial and disinfectant properties. These can also be used to clean surfaces.

1. Lavender, sodium bicarbonate, and apple cider vinegar

Lavender as a natural room fragrance dispenser

This combination combines the delicious scent of lavender with the disinfecting properties of sodium bicarbonate and apple cider vinegar. This becomes the perfect helper to make your home smell pleasant.

With this natural room fragrance dispenser you can both clean surfaces and remove unpleasant odors.


  • 1 tablespoon of lavender essential oil (15 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate (20 g)
  • ¼ cup apple cider vinegar (62 ml)


  • Put all the ingredients in a bowl. Mix everything well until you get a uniform liquid.


    • Store the liquid in a bottle with an atomizer and spray it in the spaces you want.
    • You can also use it to clean dirty surfaces if you want.

    2. Cinnamon and orange peel

    This combination of cinnamon and orange is also a great option for a cheap and natural room fragrance dispenser.

    Both ingredients have very strong flavors. Therefore, you can use it to neutralize smells from fish, garbage or cigarette.


    • 1 tablespoon cinnamon powder (15 g)
    • The peel of an orange
    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


    • First put all the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
    • As soon as everything is boiling, reduce the heat. Then simmer gently for another 3 to 5 minutes ..
    • Then let everything rest a little. Then pour through a sieve and store in a bottle. 


      • You can spray this natural room fragrance dispenser in the kitchen. It is also effective for garbage cans and bathrooms.
      • Repeat the application twice a day if you feel it necessary.

      3. Rosemary and Lemon

      Rosemary and lemon as a natural room fragrance dispenser

      The aroma of rosemary in combination with lemon gives your home a pleasant fresh scent. This natural room fragrance dispenser is therefore ideal for bedrooms, children’s and living rooms as well as for bathrooms.


      • 3 tablespoons of dried rosemary leaves (45 g)
      • 1 lemon with peel
      • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


      • First you put the rosemary in a saucepan with the water and bring the whole thing to a boil.
      • Then you cut the lemon into several slices. Do not remove the peel while doing this. Then you add the lemon pieces to the rosemary water.
      • Now let the mixture simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes.
      • Finally let everything rest for a while. Then pour through a sieve and store in a bottle.


      • Spray the preparation in the desired rooms.
      • For a longer lasting effect, spray the mixture several times a day.

      4. Pine needles, nutmeg, and bay leaf

      Pine needles as a natural room fragrance dispenser

      This simple and natural room fragrance dispenser with spices spreads the spicy aroma of the pine needles. It is particularly good against the smell of mold.

      It also helps against unpleasant odors from the drains. Its pleasant scent creates a feeling of freshness. In addition , the ingredients in this room fragrance dispenser help eliminate bacteria and prevent allergies.


      • 3 pine branches
      • 1 nutmeg
      • 2 bay leaves
      • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


      • Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and bring them to a boil.
      • Once the whole thing is boiling, reduce the heat. Now let the mixture simmer gently for about 10 minutes.
      • Then take it off the stove and use the vapors in the relevant rooms as a room fragrance dispenser.


      • Place the pot in a strategic place so that the steam can spread well around the room.
      • When the mixture is cold, store it in the refrigerator.
      • You can reheat it the next day and use the steam again.
      • Use this room fragrance dispenser until you no longer notice the unpleasant smells.

      As you can see, you can make your own natural room fragrance dispensers very easily and quickly. So if you want to avoid the use of chemical products, just try these tricks!

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