4 Exercises For Strong Abs

It is very important that you do not cramp your neck when doing sit-ups and other exercises for strong abs. Otherwise, injuries can occur and the training would not be effective. With these 4 tips it will definitely work!

4 exercises for strong abs

Having a flat, strong stomach is the dream of many men and women. It’s also a sign of good health. But the fat in the abdominal area is not easy to deal with. So it is necessary to exercise regularly. These 4 exercises for strong abs can help you reduce belly fat.

Your abs are always there, even if you may not be aware of them. Sometimes they are under a certain layer of fat, which can be quite uncomfortable.

The good news: You don’t have to do that much to get rid of this fat. It is enough if you get your abdominal muscles in motion. This strengthens it and ultimately makes it visible. So you will gradually be able to show a flat and strengthened stomach.

So that you can do that, here are a few exercises for strong abdominal muscles .

1. Exercises for strong abs: forearm support

Strong abdominal muscles through push-ups

Pushups are a well-known exercise that is easy to perform and very effective. With it you can train all muscles in the body, especially the abdominal muscles.

To do this, you first have to lie on your stomach. The body should be fully stretched out on a surface that is as level as possible. If you have an exercise mat handy, use it as a pad.

  • The posture is similar to that of conventional push-ups. But instead of your hands, in this variant you use your forearms to support yourself on the mat.
  • Your elbows should be shoulder width apart. You can prop up your forearms in parallel or you can place one forearm on top of the other.
  • Now you support your body weight with your forearms and the tips of your toes. Your feet should be hip-width apart.
  • Once you have assumed the posture, try to maintain it by continuously tensing your abs.
  • Your back should always be straight. There should be a single straight line from your head to heels.
  • Hold this position for at least thirty seconds. You don’t have to repeat the exercise. But the longer you can hold this position, the better.

2. Exercise for strong abs: Russian twist

Strong abs from Russian twists

This exercise is ideal for exercising the oblique abdominal muscles. To do this, lie down on a fitness mat with a view of the ceiling.

  • Now lift your upper body so that you can sit almost upright. Raise your legs a little so they no longer touch the mat. The soles of the feet are supported on the mat.
  • Now stretch out your arms completely and cross your fingers.
  • Now turn your upper body to one side first, as far as you can. Your back should always be straight. Hold here two seconds.
  • Then you turn your upper body on the other side and then repeat the entire exercise. The complete exercise is called one turn on each side.
  • You should do the exercise at least eight times and repeat the entire sequence three times.

3. Exercises for strong abs: riding a bike

Cycling is one of the best ways to strengthen all of your abdominal muscles.

To do this, you lie down on your fitness mat.

Lie on your back and clasp your hands behind your head or neck. The elbows point outwards.

  • Now you first lift your left knee and bend it. The leg should form a right angle at hip height.
  • Then lift and twist your torso so that your right elbow touches your left knee.
  • Then do the same with your right leg and left elbow.
  • Repeat this sequence at least twelve times in a row, and do the entire sequence three times, ie three blocks of 12 repetitions.

4. Exercises for Strong Abs: Reverse Sit-ups

strong abs through reverse sit-ups

This exercise is very easy and convenient to do, especially for women. Above all, the lower abdominal muscles and the oblique abdominal muscles are trained here.

  • To do this, you lie on your back with your legs stretched out on an exercise mat. Extend your arms to your sides and place your palms flat on the floor.
  • Then you tense your abdominal muscles and lift both legs up until they form a right angle to the body at hip height. The legs should not be bent or spread apart during the exercise.
  • Your lower abs are used to lift your hips as well . So tense them up and lift your hips off the floor.
  • Then hold this position for at least three seconds and then slowly return to the starting position. In total, you should repeat this sequence at least eight times.

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