6 Habits That Harm The Back

Take care of your back to prevent secondary symptoms. If you change simple habits, you have already taken the first step! 

6 habits that hurt your back

Back pain is a major cause of incapacity for work. Stress and excessive strain damage the spine, among other things. But bad habits can also damage your back.

Back pain is uncomfortable, sometimes very painful,  and can also severely impair performance in everyday life.

Family and social relationships can also suffer.

That is why today we want to talk about habits that  harm your back. They are very easy to avoid, and they will make you feel so much better right away. 

Things that can hurt your back

1. Big burden

Heavy objects that damage the back

Heavy bags, suitcases, or other weights that you carry can cause back pain. Posture also plays an important role. To avoid discomfort, we recommend the following:

  • Try not to lift heavy objects.
  • Use a good backpack instead of heavy bags that only weigh one half of your body.
  • Distribute the weight  in several pockets if you really have to carry heavy items. 
  • Use a trolley suitcase or a shopping trolley to take the strain off your back.

2. Lift heavy objects

If you need to pick something up from the floor, bend your knees instead of just arching your back. Keep your back straight, as if you were doing a squat. Never lift more than you can handle.

If you have knee problems, ask for help!

3. Sedentary lifestyle

Bad posture can damage your back

Sitting all day for work or other reasons can damage your  back. You should get up again and again and move at least briefly.

Take 5 minutes every hour to move. You can do stretching exercises or take a short walk around the office.

In this way you can get the blood circulation going again  and also avoid or alleviate back problems.

4. Bad posture when sitting

If you sit a lot,  you need to pay extra attention to your posture. The human anatomy is designed for movement, not for long periods of sitting. The following tips can help you adopt the correct posture:

  • Bring the chair close to the desk, your forearms lying loosely on the desk, your back straight.
  • The seat height should be adjusted so that both feet can be placed flat on the floor. 
  • Use a seat wedge to get into the correct sitting position. Use the whole seat!
  • Pull your shoulders back slightly and keep your chin straight so that you don’t put excessive strain on the neck and neck muscles.

A comfortable, ergonomic armchair with a suitable backrest is recommended. This investment is worth it! 

5. Incorrect posture when walking

Walking in a stooped position can damage your back

You should also maintain an upright posture when walking. Often we let ourselves go and are not even aware of how this will damage our back.

A natural posture, with an upright back and a well-distributed balance can easily be learned. The head, neck and back should be relaxed. It’s a matter of habit!

6. Long car journeys

How much time do you spend in traffic every day? Regardless of whether you are using public transport or in your own car: do you pay attention to your posture?

Here are a few tips to help prevent back pain:

  • Adjust the seat correctly so that you can keep your back straight while driving 
  • Use a pillow for your neck if necessary. Especially if the headrest does not fit perfectly in the car.

    Try to sit less. Maybe you can walk or bike to work or get certain things done.

    Take care of your back to prevent secondary symptoms. If you change simple habits, you have already taken the first step! 

    Regular training is also recommended to strengthen the back muscles. This, too, is an investment in your health.

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