Spelling Training With Your Child: 5 Tips

Children learn to speak naturally, but reading and writing is a challenge. You need to have a perfect command of not only the alphabet, but also the spelling. So today we have some tips for you so that you can help your child with this. 

Spelling training with your child: 5 tips

Learning to write is not that easy. It’s a complicated process that often causes problems, especially with spelling. So today we have put together some tips for  spelling training with your child that are very helpful.

In the first years of school, learning to read and write is the most important foundation for all further academic skills. But for many children this is a challenge that takes patience and practice.

The child not only has to learn many new symbols, but also know that the written language is different from the spoken one and learn a wide variety of rules. The spelling training  will fall to him easily with the following tips. 

Spelling training for your child

Spelling training for your child

It’s not just about learning to read and write. It is particularly important to do this correctly. This is a new challenge for the child, which also enables him to express thoughts differently and more precisely.

In modern society, however, children are familiar with electronic display devices from an early age and use modern communication systems that use texts that are as short as possible, although the importance of spelling has become less important.

In various social networks, the number of characters is reduced, so the language needs to be simplified. You have to choose words that are as short as possible and there is often no space left for punctuation marks.

This makes it  more difficult for children to learn correct expression and spelling, as they often see incorrect texts with reduced vocabulary. It is all the more important to get them interested in reading books early on in order to compensate for this disadvantage.

A few tips for spelling training

You should try to find fun and creative ways to practice spelling with your child. It will have more fun with games and will make better progress with its spelling practice.

1. Use new technologies for spelling training

Display devices are a constant moral dilemma for parents. They trap children and reduce quality time in the family. There is also the risk that children will consume content that is not age-appropriate.

But there are also beneficial apps and programs that your child can use to practice spelling. It will be fun for him and at the same time it can improve.

There are many ways: videos, songs, and online games that can be used to improve spelling. Let your child practice for a while!

2. Games for spelling training

Spelling training

Traditional games like Scrabble will help your child improve their spelling  and add new vocabulary to their vocabulary. However, you can also make games yourself, which are very helpful in doing this.

How about a treasure hunt, for example? Prepare cards with a letter or word to hide in your home or park. Your child has to look for the cards (you can also give them little hints) and then use these letters to form a word or a sentence from the words.

You can also think of rhymes as a fun way to learn how to spell certain words. How about a poem that has difficult spelling rules that make it easier for the child to learn?

You can also paint corresponding pictures for this; for example, a bird with a “V” shaped beak so your child can easily remember that a “V” bird is written.

3. Discover words and sentences

Have your child write as many words as possible on paper in a short amount of time. All you need is a stopwatch (or cell phone), pencil and paper. Only correctly spelled words count. This exercise can help your child improve their vocabulary at the same time. It is best if several children participate. Small children can do the exercise in pairs.

You can also prepare cards with words and punctuation marks so that your child can use them to form different sentences. It should also learn to change the meaning of the sentence by rearranging the punctuation marks. Not only can they learn how to spell words correctly, but they can also improve their expressive skills in a fun way.

4. Play school at home

Small children like to play school with mom or dad. You can play student or teacher yourself and learn a lot in the process. All you need is a desk and, if possible, a blackboard or other typical school elements.

It’s a great role-playing game that you can use to make  your child’s spelling practice a little more fun. You can do short tests or funny dictations. Instead of grades or points, you can give your child chocolate.

5. Letters everywhere

Spelling training

If you don’t always have time for games in everyday life, you should at least use all possible situations  to encourage your child to write in a fun way. 

When you’re out and about with your little one, you can play who will be the first to spot certain letters or words on a poster or license plate.

You can also use mealtime:  prepare dishes that you can arrange on the plate like letters or words. 

Read and write

Reading and writing are skills that we don’t learn naturally. They are complex intellectual processes that need to be practiced. Because suddenly images and spoken words have to be replaced by a code.

Motivate your child to read and write whenever possible, as this opens up a fascinating new world  with numerous advantages. They can use it to develop their intellectual abilities and find their way around better in everyday life and in society.

Reading and writing also stimulates the ability to think and imagine. As your child learns to write correctly  , they also learn important values ​​and cultural aspects. 

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