Neutral Tones For Decorating Your House

Neutral tones are a very popular stylistic device in interior design. They allow you to bring more light into the house and play with other, more vivid colors. Read on below for useful tips on decorating your home in neutral tones.

Neutral tones for decorating your home

Your home is where you spend most of your time. In the following we present you some practical tips and we guarantee that by using them you will create harmonious and balanced rooms. And best of all, it’s very easy and extremely inexpensive! Find out how you can use neutral tones to decorate your home.

Decorate your house in neutral tones

Neutral tones – which colors do they include?

You can easily combine neutral colors with any other color. That is why they are so useful and timeless. Neutral colors are not bright or loud and do not compete with other colors. You could say that these are basic colors that go with the entire palette or palette.

The following neutral tones are most commonly used by decorators for any type of project: beige, white (with all its shades, sand white, cream white …) or gray. Sometimes some blacks or blues will work too .

These pastel shades help incorporate any texture or piece of furniture in one place. These neutral colors can be used with cold or warm shades. You even have the option to mix warm and cold shades.


Neutral tones make surroundings brighter
Neutral tones make surroundings brighter and absorb outside light or white light better.

Any home lit by a variety of natural light sources is a success in itself. In addition, lighting, natural or artificial, makes the difference between any room and a magical setting.

It is obvious that light reflects and bathes all objects and furniture, including the walls, in its glow. Therefore, it makes sense to use neutral tones that soften the light and give the room a sense of harmony.

For this reason, you should always try to choose warm lightbulbs for rooms where you want to provide peace and relaxation. In addition, neutral colors help in the design of rooms as they absorb the light projected onto them.

Contrast colors to decorate your home with neutral tones

Color contrasts are a common resource in the world of decoration. Neutral colors are ideal for this stylistic technique as you can use riskier or louder pieces that you want to highlight on them.

Every type of piece of furniture or work of art finds a place in a room, the walls of which are painted in neutral tones. Think, for example, of the exhibition halls of art museums that display sculptures and paintings from so many eras in history.

Complementary colors

Daring colors complement the neutral decor
Starting with a neutral background, elements with intense colors will stand out! Choose the color that best suits your taste.

If you’re having trouble choosing a color or another, you can turn to chromotherapy. It’s about how each color affects your health and state of mind. Knowing about these benefits will make it easier for you to make a decision.

Neutral colors are not noticeable in color therapy. Instead, the focus is on the strongest colors to give the room personality and stand out from the neutral tones:

  • Yellow : improves concentration.
  • Orange : A color that encourages creativity and provides warmth.
  • Red : a stimulating color. It should be used with caution, such as in smaller details or smaller walls.
  • Pink stimulates the senses.
  • Purple : the color of spirituality.
  • Blue : It helps you relax.
  • Green : A very balancing color.

Neutral tones and decorative accessories

Finally, when it comes to decorating your walls, you can use different techniques or materials in conjunction with the neutral shade you choose. For example, you could use vinyl decals for a more daring look. Decals are the ideal addition to personalize your living style on a wall. In addition, they are not just limited to children’s motifs in children’s rooms – the possibilities are endless.

Wallpaper is another great option for highlighting some areas of the house or separate walls in the same room. So you see the importance of using neutral colors to expand your decorative options without conflict.

We hope that you are now a little better informed about neutral tones and the advantages they bring to use in your home. If you decorate your house in neutral tones, you open up numerous possibilities that let you play with accessories, furniture, lighting sources and much more!

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