Discover And Overcome Low Self-esteem In 5 Steps

It is very important to realize that self-esteem only depends on yourself, not on what others think of you. Learn to appreciate and love yourself!

Discover and conquer low self-esteem in 5 steps

Not all children learn to build emotional wellbeing from an early age. If you are lucky enough to be encouraged by the family and also value kind, emotional upbringing, it is more likely that self-esteem has been strengthened since childhood.

But in the course of development, the feeling of fragility and vulnerability can go through many ups and downs.

Society generally assumes that to be successful, you have to be special, that you have to be able, brave, and physically perfect in all aspects to be triumphant.

But mostly we develop our self-esteem depending on  how we are judged and treated by others. 

Thoughts like these are the order of the day: “If someone rejects me, I am not worthy of love.” “If you quit my job, then I am not suitable for this job.” “If my friends ignore me, I don’t deserve the trust of others.”

You should never get caught up in these negative emotional thoughts. 

In today’s post, we’ll explain 5 signs of low self-esteem and how you can rebuild it.

How to Identify Low Self-Esteem in 5 Steps

Self-esteem does not relate to believing that you are the best or worst person in the world. Those who consider themselves the best are proud and blind, those who think they are the worst clearly have a very negative self-image.

We should learn  to believe in ourselves and our abilities from an early age. 

The problem begins when we focus on the need for others to judge whether we are worth something or not, or whether we are worthy to be loved.

This is a terrible source of suffering that should be avoided. Then we see what signs indicate whether self-esteem is strong or weak.


1. I am afraid to be wrong

Children seek the support of parents or teachers in doing certain things. Because if a child is wrong, there is an adult who can help.

However, in adulthood, many people are still afraid of making mistakes or making mistakes, thinking that they are incapable of doing certain things.

How can you overcome this fear?

A weak self-esteem is particularly reflected in an oversized fear. The first thing to try in this case is to put aside the fear of being wrong.

Mistakes aren’t bad, they enable us  to learn how to do certain things better. You shouldn’t label yourself awkward just because you made a mistake. The worst judge is always yourself.

2. Irritability

Bad mood, apathy, constant irritability for inexplicable reasons are often a reflection of a lack of self-esteem or depression.

  • These are those moments when you feel like you have lost control of everything that surrounds you. You no longer have any illusions or motivation and this is very dangerous.

How can one face this situation?

  • Set priorities and remember that the first thing you should do now is take care of yourself. Change your routine, your friendships and look for new tasks and pastimes.
  • If you manage to turn off the mental noise of the negative, then you can wake up  and find new illusions.

3. The desire to please others

We have already spoken several times in various articles about the risk involved in the need to always please everyone.

  • When that need gets out of hand, it means that you have very low self-esteem.
  • While it’s not bad for you to do someone favor every now and then, the problem arises when you do it all the time, just to be comfortable with yourself.

How can this situation be improved?

Try to do activities alone without the need to explain anything to anyone. Enjoy moments of solitude and above all learn to assert yourself and to say “no” when someone asks you to do something you don’t want to do.

It is necessary that you learn to control over-dependence on others.

4. Enduring Weltschmerz: Self-guilt

Sometimes you have the feeling that everything that happens is caused by your own fault.

  • For example, if your son has problems at school, you immediately think that you are not helping him enough.
  • When your parents get sick, you think you should have looked after them more.
  • And when someone criticizes or rejects you, you blame yourself too.

How can you manage feelings of self-guilt?

You have to understand that you are not responsible for enduring Weltschmerz. It’s not all your fault, and you don’t have to give air to everyone who breathe.

Take this burden off yourself, try to relax your mind and body and appreciate the simple things as freely as possible. Take time for yourself and stop evaluating yourself.


5. Missing illusions

Regardless of whether you are 8 or 80 years old: We always have different projects, ambitions and countless illusions that bring light and color into our lives.

If you become aware that you get up every morning without motivation or illusion and only let yourself be carried by the decisions of others, then you should strengthen your self-esteem.

What can you do if there is no illusion?

Illusions often die  because one falls into the routine of gray everyday life,  because there are no external stimuli and one does not feel well inside.

Find new passions. Register for a course, change your environment and look for new, interesting friendships. This is sometimes the best medicine for the heart.

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