What Could Help Against Freckles And Age Spots

Honey not only helps against stains, it also provides moisture and ensures a naturally beautiful complexion.

What could help against freckles and age spots

Freckles and age spots are quite normal. Who does not know her – the cheerful, cheeky Pipi Longstocking, whose distinguishing features are not only her red braids, but also her many freckles.

What is funny at Pipi Longstocking doesn’t have to be nice for everyone. There are many who do not want to see their pigment spots, freckles and age spots on their faces in the mirror.

The safest way to remove such stains is laser treatment, but this is an expensive procedure and not for everyone. So before you get laser surgery, try the following home remedies to reduce the blemishes on your face!

If you have a lot of freckles, you should have your family doctor checked regularly to see whether the many brown spots hide those that are harmful and could be skin cancer.

Because not all pigment spots on the face are harmless freckles; too much UV exposure of the skin (sun, tanning salons, etc.) can cause pigmentation disorders that are very similar to freckles.

Age spots are also pigmentation disorders of the skin caused by UV radiation. And not all of these pigment disorders are harmless! If there is no risk of skin cancer, you can try the following home remedies to lighten your spots a little.

The same is important with these traditional methods as with creams from the chemist’s kit: only those who consistently use them over a long period of time can see success!

Apply sunscreens daily

The best protection against stains on the face is not to let them appear in the first place. Since freckles darken when exposed to sunlight, it is best to avoid it.

The most effective way to do this is with sunscreens. Many day creams, BB and CC creams already contain a sun protection factor, but the right cream is not always included.

In the pharmacy there are liposomal sunscreens that you can wear as day cream under make-up and that you don’t have to re-apply during the day.

If you use cheap sun cream or a day cream with a sun protection factor, sun protection may not be guaranteed all day! Freckles occur especially in places where conventional sunscreen is quickly worn away by sweat.

On the nose, cheekbones and forehead. Therefore, you should make sure that your sun protection is really effective throughout the day.

Either apply cream or use liposomal products! The higher the sun protection factor, the less UV radiation hits your spots and the lighter they stay!



The top layer of skin is removed by peeling and a lighter layer of skin underneath comes to the surface. A weekly peeling is therefore suitable to keep your unloved skin spots on your face permanently bright.

You can get a cheap and simple peeling if you mix a lot of table sugar or salt with a little lemon or orange juice to a granular pulp and use it on the face as a peel. The fruit acid contained in the citrus fruits also helps to intensify the peeling.



Yoghurt contains lactic acid, which, like the fruit acid described above, helps to soften the top layers of the skin and to remove them when the face is then peeled or rubbed off.

Lactic acid is found in many dairy products, but especially in yogurt, sour cream, sour milk, sour cream, sour milk, kefir and buttermilk.

Every evening, apply a sour milk product of your choice to the area of ​​your face affected by unwanted stains, thick with a knife’s back. Then leave the mask on for at least 30 minutes before washing it off.

Milk powder

Milk powder against freckles and stains

Another face mask that can lighten your freckles is also based on a dairy product. Since milk does not adhere well to your face and is not concentrated enough, please get powdered milk.

It does not matter whether it is skimmed milk powder or whole milk powder, but it must by no means be coffeemaker. Cafeweißer does not contain milk, but vegetable fats and is therefore completely ineffective for this face mask.

Now mix one teaspoon of honey with one teaspoon each of powdered milk and lemon juice. Because the milk powder is poorly distributed in honey, it is best to stir the juice and powder together first before adding it to the honey.

This mass also combines the positive properties of fruit acid with the nourishing properties of honey. Leave on the affected areas for at least 30 minutes a day.

All of these home remedies must be used regularly and consistently over a long period of time, sunscreen is best also in winter. So you can save yourself the expensive, often harmful chemical bleaching creams and laser treatment!

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