Egg Face Mask: Purify And Strengthen Your Skin

Although it is recommended not to use it too often, the egg face mask can help your beauty and help you get rid of blackheads

Egg face mask: cleanse and tone your skin

The egg face mask featured here is pretty special because it has multiple uses. It can be used to cleanse, but also to remove dead cells and strengthen the skin.

Despite the bad reputation the egg had for several decades, it is one of the most widely consumed foods in the world. Its good taste and high content of elemental nutrients have made it a long-running favorite on nutrition plans.

What few can imagine is that there are also cosmetic uses that can be very useful in your beauty care. The high protein, vitamin, and mineral content of eggs makes them very helpful in skin care without being particularly expensive.

In fact, many companies have already discovered their most important active ingredients and use them to manufacture beauty products for several skin problems.

What Are The Benefits Of This Egg Face Mask ?

Eggs face mask

Applying egg to the skin stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissue to prevent signs of premature aging.

Lutein, one of its main components, is able to store the natural moisture in the skin of the face and also gives it elasticity.

It contributes significant amounts of vitamins A, B, and D, all of which participate in the cellular activity that inhibits the harmful effects of free radicals.

It also closes enlarged pores and thus removes impurities, creating a lifting or temporary lift .

With continued use of this treatment, it is recommended for all those who want to take action against blackheads, soften skin spots and give their face a fresh look.

Even if these good effects do not appear immediately, you can see after the first treatment that the skin has become softer and cleaner.

How is the egg face mask made?

Eggs face mask

Another advantage that should not be overlooked is that this egg face mask is very inexpensive and a good alternative to the expensive products from the supermarket.

The ingredients are usually found in your kitchen cupboard and available for ongoing uses of the treatment – as often as needed.

You need

  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • Paper towels (as many as needed)
  • 2 containers
  • 1 fork
  • 1 brush


  • Drill a small hole in the egg, separate the yolk from the white and place in two different containers.
  • Beat the egg whites with a fork.
  • Take a brush, dip it in the beaten egg white and apply it to the clean and dry face.
  • Before the egg dries, cut a paper towel into several strips and stick it on the face until it is completely covered.
  • Apply another layer of the egg white and let it dry.
  • After 20 or 30 minutes, you will find that the paper towel is hard.
Eggs face mask
  • When the time comes, grab the face mask by the corners under your chin and pull it off in one quick motion.
  • Tearing it off can be a little uncomfortable, but there’s no better way to get rid of blackheads and blemishes.
  • At the end of this treatment step, mix the egg yolks with coconut oil with a fork and beat vigorously.
  • Remove the remnants of the egg white with a little lukewarm water and apply the egg yolks with the brush.
  • Leave on for another 10 minutes and wash off with water at the right temperature and neutral soap.
  • You can repeat this up to twice a week to keep your facial skin soft and glowing. Don’t overdo it, though, as it can drain your skin’s natural oils.

Warning notices

  • You shouldn’t use this face mask if you are allergic to eggs, or even to any of its ingredients. If you are not sure, do a small test first before using the entire product.
  • Keep in mind that the egg smell is a bit unpleasant when it starts to dry out, so if you find it unbearable, it is better not to use the face mask.

As you can see, just one simple ingredient can turn into an egg face mask.

The only thing to keep in mind is that you should allow enough time as the whole process will take a while.

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