6 Techniques For A Straight Posture

Bad posture over time has negative consequences for the spine. Here we show you how you can always achieve a straight posture.

6 techniques for a straight posture

Many people often sit in front of the computer for long periods of time or stand at work all day. Often this leads to the spine becoming overloaded. And a straight posture is not possible either.

However, correct posture is crucial for back health, as  it can prevent pain and tension that so often occur.

In today’s post, we present you with various techniques that can help you make a straight posture a habit.

What consequences can bad posture have on the spine?

A straight posture is important to avoid back pain

The spine supports our body,  poor posture can have serious and sometimes irreversible consequences. Just a few examples: herniated disc and chronic fatigue. Anyone who does not sit, walk or stand properly can develop various diseases over time.

An incorrect position of the hips is common in women. But how does it come about?

If all of your weight is on one leg when at rest, or if heavy handbags are always carried on the same side, the problem can get worse. If a straight posture is important to you, you should also avoid using high heels if possible.

Over time, we get used to our bad posture. Our work, overweight, lack of exercise and excessive use of technological devices (cell phone, tablet, computer …) also mean that we do not stand or sit up straight.

When you lower your head to send a message or check e-mail, your spine arches and your body bends forward. Did you know that this is one of the most common causes of neck pain?

What does a correct and straight posture look like?

Some only think about keeping their backs or shoulders straight while exercising. However, you should always keep your posture straight: If you are waiting in line to pay  at the supermarket, while watching TV, doing housework, or doing other work.

Most of us forget to maintain an upright posture when:

When sitting

Straight posture when sitting

The soles of the feet must be supported on the floor when sitting, the back remains straight, the shoulders are slightly pulled down and back. Crossing your legs, which many women love to do, can impede blood flow,  which can lead to swelling and fatigue over time.

When standing

The knees are slightly bent and the chest open to allow the abdominal muscles to expand and allow proper breathing. The weight is distributed on both legs.

While walking

Keep your neck and head upright while not looking at the ground, as this can cause neck pain. First support your heel, then roll your foot up to the tips of your toes.

While sleeping

Woman in bed with straight posture

The best sleeping position is sideways, with your knees drawn up. So the spine can be correctly positioned. The mattress and a healthy pillow are also very important (you should also change them regularly).

While driving

Correct posture is also very important when driving in order to protect the spine and guarantee safety. This means that the risk of injury in the event of an accident is lower.

The back is supported on the armrest, the neck and head on the headrest. Adjust the seat so that you can easily reach the pedals without having to bend forward.

How can you improve posture?

You can use various techniques to keep your back straight in everyday life.

At first, you probably don’t think about sitting up or standing up all the time. You may even get muscle or back pain at first if you are not used to a straight posture. But it’s really worth it.

The following techniques can help you:

Imagine that you are being held by a string

This technique is often used in yoga or pilates. Imagine that there is a string on your head that pulls you up.

Attach an adhesive strip to the back

You need help for that. Make an X on the back with an adhesive strip: Start on the right shoulder and work the strip up to the left hip, then from the right hip to the left shoulder. This is how you can manage to maintain a straight posture.

However, you need to be careful to pull your shoulders back when you apply the tape.

Carrying a book on your head

This is how children used to learn to walk properly. The idea is to keep your head and neck straight  and not look down. This also ensures that the shoulders do not hang listlessly.

Watch your calves

Woman does exercises for straight posture

Correct posture affects not just the spine, but the whole body. The legs must support the entire body weight. Above all, the calves are stressed.

Sit on the floor and stretch your legs, trying to bend your back so that you can touch the tips of your toes with your hands. This allows you to straighten your back, shoulders, and neck while strengthening your abs and calves.

Relaxing breaks

If you sit all day, you should get up every now and then. If you mostly stand, you can always sit down. All you can do is walk a few laps around the desk, moving your arms, lifting your shoulders, and rotating your hips.

While sitting you can put your legs up, keep your back straight and your shoulders relaxed.

Look at yourself in the mirror

Watch yourself in the mirror to find out what postures you normally assume. You can straighten your body and analyze how you feel about it. If you are in other places, you can train yourself to be aware of correct posture.

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