An Honest Look Is A Bridge That Connects Two Souls

Did you know that our eyes and our gaze are one of the few things that can give us away? Since we can hardly control the expressiveness of the gaze, our intentions can come to light.

An honest look is a bridge that connects two souls

An honest  look makes it possible to establish safe, sincere contact with a person.

This thought is reinforced by the following reason: Most of our movements and gestures are voluntary and can be manipulated to deceive someone or to hide certain behaviors with ambiguous intentions.

The gaze and the related processes, such as the dilatation of the pupils, are controlled by the autonomic vegetative system.

Therefore  it is not possible to change it,  for example when inner feelings arise because we find someone incredibly attractive.

This very special shine knows no wrong intentions, but reflects a brain that feels genuine attraction and tenderness, which can be read in the eyes.

The look and the fascinating processes that are reflected in it

As you often hear, our eyes are the windows of the soul. Science cannot prove this. Until now the soul is not tangible but only exists in the different religions and spirituality, which everyone can understand differently.

What is in any case clear is  that a look is a powerful weapon with which emotional contact can be made with others.  Not only with our fellow human beings, but also with animals.

Body language experts know that the eyes are undoubtedly one of the most expressive parts of the body. In particular, the dilation of the pupil, which eludes our conscious control and does not only react to light stimuli, can say a lot.

Emotions can also be read from it. Then you will learn more about it.


Pupils and Areas of Interest

Eckhard Hess was a psychologist and expert in ophthalmology and emotions at the University of Chicago (USA) who found very interesting aspects about the dynamics of the pupils:

  • As already mentioned, the pupils do not only become smaller or larger due to changes in light. During a conversation that is interesting, these “black holes” also get bigger.
  • On the other hand, during an uncomfortable or uncomfortable experience, the pupils contract.
  • The pupils dilate around someone who is attractive to you or with whom you are in love.
  • Hess also discovered this curious fact: when performing a complex task, when a solution is finally found, the pupils dilate too.

The importance of eye contact

  • During a conversation, we expect our interlocutor to maintain eye contact. This is more than a sign of respect: it means attention, interest and reciprocity.
  • Constant eye contact from someone we don’t know is interpreted as intimidation or harassment, which is very uncomfortable when we are not interested in that person.
  • Experts in non-verbal communication explain that people who want to deceive someone often forego eye contact and unconsciously and nervously look at other things, because the eyes could give them away.

    This theory of gaze direction and its meaning requires further scientific study. But many experts in the field of lying in social groups have the following theory:

    • During a conversation, a sudden glance to the right means that the person you’re talking to is making up something.

    It doesn’t have to mean that he is lying outright or trying to deceive you. It is possible that he is just trying to find a way to explain something very specific.

    • When someone turns their gaze to the left, it  means that they are trying to remember something.

      Be careful with tears

      Tears aren’t always honest. In contrast to the pupil, these can be manipulated. One can deliberately provoke tears.

      • Some people provoke tears or make them look shiny. With a few tears to use their emotions to achieve rapprochement or forgiveness in others.
      • Crying is typical for humans and also for some animal species such as elephants or gorillas,  but only we can consciously and voluntarily produce tears.
      • So, to evaluate a person’s honesty, you shouldn’t focus on the tears. It’s about the movements and the size of the pupils.

      If you are in conversation with someone, have eye contact, and the other person’s pupils dilate emotionally, it means that you are interesting to them.

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