Healthy And Low In Calories: 5 Foods To Lose Weight

Whoever wants to lose weight should not only eat less and exercise extensively, but also eat healthy and low in calories. Otherwise, all efforts to lose weight will be in vain.

Healthy and low in calories: 5 foods to lose weight

If you want to lose weight, you should not only eat less and exercise extensively, but also eat healthy and low in calories. Otherwise, all efforts to lose weight will be in vain.

In addition to sufficient physical activity and small portions of food, you should also make sure that your diet is healthy and low in calories .

If you are unsure which foods are suitable for this, we can help you: In this article, we will introduce you to 5 options. While you may not particularly like all of them, you should try to consume them regularly. The results are well worth the effort.

Healthy and low in calories: foods for weight loss

1. rocket

The first of the 5 foods we’d like to introduce to you is arugula. This green vegetable is characterized by its slightly pungent taste.

It is also rich in fiber, potassium and vitamins A, C and K. When it comes to calories, arugula contains almost no calories. Therefore, it is perfect as a base for smoothies and salads.

Thanks to its nutrients, arugula is an excellent way to reduce body fat and control cholesterol levels. In addition to the many antioxidants it contains, it helps to maintain natural beauty and combat damage caused by the environment.

You can eat it as often as you want. To neutralize its intense taste, you can use a little lemon or combine it with other foods.

2. Asparagus

Asparagus for weight loss

Another vegetable that is healthy, low in calories and should be eaten regularly is asparagus. If you’ve only made it every now and then, it’s time you got it on your plate more often.

First of all, you should know that asparagus contains around 27 calories per cup, so only a small amount overall. It is also a natural diuretic that removes fluid from the body.

If you’ve drank too much alcohol, or if you don’t normally eat a particularly healthy diet, asparagus is a great option for getting rid of alcohol and other toxins. It also has vitamins A and E, folic acid, iron and proteins.

Asparagus does not always seem easy to eat due to its special taste. However, it is only a matter of time before you get used to this. The advantages of asparagus are worth it to start a few new attempts.

3. Broccoli

When we talk about foods that are healthy and low in calories, broccoli cannot be missing. Not only because it is inexpensive and rich in nutrients, but also because it is easy to prepare. In terms of its calories, these make up around 31 per cup.

Broccoli is often referred to as a superfood that should be eaten several times a week. It contains numerous vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.

It is also believed to be effective in fighting cancer, although that shouldn’t be the main reason you use it.

The great thing about broccoli is that it is already edible without any additional additions. If you still want to give it a little more flavor, you can combine it with cheese, yogurt, or a handful of other vegetables. It is particularly nutritious in salads and helps you lose weight.

To avoid increasing the calorie intake, it is advisable that you avoid ready-made spice preparations. Choose yogurt or vegetable oil instead of mayonnaise and other ready-made dressings.

4. Wild berries

Wild berries

The 5 healthy and low-calorie foods also include wild berries. The best part is that you can choose from many different varieties. Whether mulberries, blackberries or strawberries: you should eat them as often as possible.

Berries are also rich in various types of antioxidants, making them particularly effective in fighting inflammation, cancer and heart problems. They also strengthen your immune system and thus your health in general.

Half a cup of wild berries has about 32 calories. Therefore, you can safely eat them in larger quantities.

5. Tea

Without a doubt, tea is also one of the most popular and healthiest foods. The knowledge about its advantages goes back to the ancient cultures, for example China or Japan.

Among the most beneficial varieties are green, white, and black tea, as well as oolong. Again, you don’t have to worry about the number of calories: tea contains almost no calories as long as you don’t add any sweeteners, which we advise against.

Depending on the variety you drink, there are different positive effects for your health. Yet they all contain polyphenols: an antioxidant that strengthens cells.

Which of the 5 foods listed here do you consume most often? Share your favorite recipes with us!

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