Does Green Tea Actually Help You Lose Weight?

Some people enjoy it because it tastes delicious, but many people also drink it because they know about its health-promoting properties and because it can help with weight loss.

Does Green Tea Really Help You Lose Weight?

Does green tea help you lose weight? He inspires us. Few things are as pleasant as coming home and indulging in green tea in your favorite cup.

Some people enjoy it because it tastes delicious, but many people also drink it because they know about its health-promoting properties and because it can help with weight loss.

But what is it about this claim? Is it actually true that green tea is one of the best natural drinks when it comes to shedding a few pounds? You can find the answer in this article.

Does green tea help lose weight in a healthy way?

If we want to lose weight, then this should happen in the healthy way possible. There are very restrictive diets on which we only consume very small amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats and which throw our bodies off balance.

The organism needs proteins and cannot do without fatty acids if it is to function.

When losing weight, health should not be jeopardized, and in the healthy organization of our everyday life we ​​can fall back on all the means that nature makes available to us. This includes, for example, green tea.

Does Green Tea Help Get Rid Of Excess Pounds? It’s really like that.

However, green tea is not a miracle cure, but rather an ally that supports us in losing weight as part of a balanced, varied diet.

In the following we explain how green tea can help you lose weight.

1. A powerful antioxidant

  • Green tea is a potent, natural antioxidant that, thanks to its high polyphenol content, prevents premature aging and also protects us against numerous diseases. The most powerful antioxidant found in nature, however, is white tea, which exceeds green tea many times over.

    2. Green tea stimulates our metabolism

    • For example, green tea helps to stimulate the metabolism.  To be precise, it is the catechins that initiate thermogenesis and thus allow us to burn fat and lose a few pounds.
    • Also, we must not forget that green tea can suppress appetite slightly. We therefore eat less and last until the next meal without a snack.
    • Another interesting aspect is that green tea prevents major fluctuations in insulin levels in the blood. So green tea helps burn larger amounts of fat and we lose weight gram by gram.

    3. An ideal diuretic and stimulant for the liver

    • Green tea helps us cleanse our body, promotes the elimination of toxins that accumulate in the blood and intestines. Saturated fats are cleared and the substances that make us feel bloated and cause gastrointestinal problems are eliminated in the urine.
    • In addition, green tea helps to stimulate the liver and strengthens the pancreas. These organs benefit in particular from the high antioxidant content in this drink, which supports them in their basic functions.

    How do I have to drink green tea to lose weight the healthy way?

    Green tea

    1. To benefit from green tea while losing weight, three cups of tea should be consumed daily.

    2. We add the juice of half a lemon to the first cup and drink it on an empty stomach.

    3. We drink the second cup of tea  20 minutes after lunch. We support digestion, can better absorb important nutrients and also stimulate the excretion of fats.

    The tea also gives us a feeling of satiety, with which we can get to the next meal without a growl. Green tea should never be sweetened with white sugar. Ideally you drink it unsweetened, but if you don’t like it, add a teaspoon of honey (7.5 g).

    4. The last cup of tea is on the program after dinner. At least an hour and a half before bed. Why? We should give our bodies enough time to digest well before going to bed.

    5. We can expect the first results within two months. However, remember to avoid the following foods as much as possible:

    • Carbonated and sweetened drinks
    • Sweets and industrial baked goods
    • Red meat
    • White, refined flours
    • sausage
    • Dairy products with a high cream content

    6. Contraindications to green tea consumption

    • Be careful about consuming green tea if you have high blood pressure. It contains tein.
    • Green tea limits the absorption of iron and calcium and should therefore not be drunk immediately after eating. After eating, wait about 20 minutes to enjoy the tea with a clear conscience.
    • Also, remember to drink no more than three cups of green tea a day. Otherwise, its stimulating properties can have unpleasant consequences.

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