The Best Sources Of Folic Acid During Pregnancy

Discover how you can get more folic acid through your diet during pregnancy. Of course, you should consult your doctor first before changing your eating habits. 

The Best Sources of Folic Acid During Pregnancy

Sufficient folic acid during pregnancy is essential for the healthy development of the little belly-dweller. Doctors usually recommend increasing the sources of folic acid in your  diet or taking a supplement in tablet form when you are trying to have a baby .

But why is folic acid, including vitamin B9, so important for the healthy development of the fetus? This vital substance is fundamental because it plays a very important role in cell division and is involved in various growth and development processes. This can prevent neural tube defects (NRD) as well as cleft jaw and palate, among other things.

Before and during pregnancy, it is normally recommended to take 400 mg of folic acid daily. We will then take a look at which sources of folic acid you can incorporate into your diet.

Important sources of folic acid during pregnancy

Folic Acid Sources
The consumption of folic acid during pregnancy is important in preventing neural tube defects.

As already mentioned, vitamin B9 helps  prevent serious damage and deformities in the baby, which can affect the neural tube or the brain. These include, for example, the following:

  • Neural tube defect (spina bifida or “open back”):  Malformation of the spine and spinal cord in which the spine does not close properly during embryonic development. The result is nerve damage and muscle paralysis.
  • Anencephaly or anenkephaly: The  most severe form of malformation of a neural tube defect. The skull and brain are affected, and life expectancy after birth is only a few hours.
  • Chiari malformation: In this developmental disorder, parts  of the cerebellum are shifted through the occipital opening into the spinal canal. It is therefore a matter of deformities in the area of ​​the posterior fossa. These undesirable developments can be minor or severe and affect the lives of those affected accordingly.

However, folic acid intake is important for other reasons as well. For example, it helps you break down and use new proteins and prevent pregnancy anemia.

Foods with folic acid

Important sources of folic acid during pregnancy
Ask your doctor if you should be taking a vitamin B9 supplement.

You now know why this vitamin is so important. We will then introduce you to various sources of folic acid so that you can take enough of it during pregnancy. However, always seek advice from your doctor beforehand!

1. Folic acid supplements

As mentioned at the beginning,  your doctor may prescribe a dietary supplement to help you  get enough folic acid during pregnancy. If you have already been to the gynecologist before the pregnancy, he may have recommended this vitamin to you when you wanted a baby three months before the pregnancy.

Tip: Always take folic acid at the same time of day. This routine will help you remember to take the pill. Of course, you can also simply set the alarm accordingly on your mobile phone.

2. Fruits and vegetables

Excellent sources of folic acid: fruits and vegetables
Consume raw vegetables to take advantage of the folic acid they contain.

You should include various fruits and vegetables in your diet that are high in folic acid during pregnancy. Eat 4 to 5 servings of the following types daily:

  • Swiss chard (140μg / 100g)
  • Spinach (140μg / 100g)
  • Broccoli (90μg / 100g)
  • Salad (34μg / 100g)
  • Asparagus (30μg / 100g)
  • Tomatoes (28μg / 100g)
  • Celery (12μg / 100g)
  • Avocado (11μg / 100g)
  • Carrots (10μg / 100g)
  • Pumpkin (10μg / 100g)
  • Citrus fruits like oranges or tangerines
  • Fruits like strawberries, kiwis, raspberries, and papayas

3. Legumes every week

Legumes are also excellent sources of folic acid  and also provide important fiber that helps prevent constipation during pregnancy. You can use it to prepare a wide variety of dishes and also eat them cooked in salads.

4. Dried fruits and seeds

Also excellent sources of folic acid: dried fruits and seeds 
Dried fruits provide folic acid and healthy fatty acids.

Dried fruits and seeds should not be missing in your diet! You can combine them with yogurt and bake cakes or bread with them. They are also very healthy as a snack in between. They not only provide important amounts of folic acid, but also healthy fatty acids such as omega-3.

5. Buy foods with added folic acid

If you also need folic acid, you can also opt for foods with added vitamin B9, such as flour, rice, pasta or breakfast cereals. Read the product description carefully so you know how much folic acid it contains.

Note:  Various studies have shown that excessive consumption of folic acid could also have negative consequences for the fetus during cell reproduction. Therefore, always seek good advice from your doctor so as not to exceed the recommended amount!

As you can see, folic acid is  essential for you and your growing baby’s health during pregnancy. Seek advice from your doctor and follow their instructions to be on the safe side.

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