Tips For An Autumn Wedding

An autumn wedding carries the risk of cold weather, but also has wonderful opportunities that summer does not offer.

Tips for a fall wedding

If you are planning an autumn wedding, you can certainly do little with all the tips that are available everywhere for the typical summer wedding. A fall wedding is special and if you plan properly, you can use fall as an ally for your dream wedding.

Advantages of a fall wedding

If you are planning a wedding in autumn, the likelihood is greater of finding service providers and locations that have time or space for you at short notice. A wedding in autumn is rarer than a summer wedding, so restaurants and caterers often still have appointments free in autumn.

If you decide to have a wedding in autumn, we advise you to follow this wonderful seasonal motto in all areas. We have ideas and suggestions for you on how to organize all of this appropriately:

Pumpkin can prevent hair loss


Those who get married in autumn are lucky enough to have the entire wedding in warm colors to match the season. Decoration, favors, food and also the wedding dress can be so beautifully inspired by the bright colors of nature in autumn!

When decorating, you can largely do without expensive flowers and trust the strong colors of autumn leaves, pumpkins, apples, pears, chestnuts, acorns and other natural materials. A romantic walk in the colorful autumn forest brings loads of decorative materials with you!

Pumpkin soup recipe for a wedding in the heart

Wedding dinner

At an autumn wedding, the autumn wedding menu should not be missing! Autumn classics are pumpkins, chestnuts, grapes, mushrooms, game meat, nuts, quinces and plums. Let the cook advise you on what festivities can be conjured up with it!

When choosing the food, make sure that the food you use is not only seasonal – i.e. autumn – but that it also comes from the region, so that it is particularly fresh and of high quality.

Favors for fall wedding

It is a tradition to pamper guests with small gifts. Here, too, you have the opportunity to adapt the gifts to the season ! And that doesn’t always have to be expensive:

  • A small jute sack filled with red apples
  • a tulle bag filled with a mixture of nuts
  • Chestnut jam in pretty glasses
  • small brightly colored ornamental gourds or
  • a lantern with autumn leaves

are cheap and so beautifully autumnal!

The more natural you design and organize the entire wedding, the cheaper it will ultimately be for you, because nature offers so many inexpensive or free decorative materials and small gifts that are usually more popular with guests than useless dust catchers.

Photos of an autumn wedding

Photo shooting

Agreed with the photographer to capture and immortalize the special mood of autumn in light and colors on the wedding photos.

Find suitable places with him in advance, where autumn really comes into its own. Where is the most colorful forest? Where is the most beautiful chestnut tree, where is the vineyard with the thickest grapes and the most colorful foliage?

When it rains, plan this too: Colorful umbrellas conjure up a good mood on the photos despite the crap weather and glittering raindrops can appear more romantic in photos than the wet feet during the photo shoot suggest.

An outdoor photo shoot is always better than shooting in the studio with artificial light, even in bad autumn weather.

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Flower arrangement for autumn wedding

Who says that a bridal bouquet has to be made of flowers? Colorful leaves, berries and colored twigs combine to make a great bridal bouquet at a wedding in autumn, just like exotic flowers and expensive hybrid tea roses!

The groom is also adorned with a beautiful autumn leaf with a colorful berry and a nice twig on the lapel of his suit!

Fall wedding

Leaves instead of rice

Throwing rice is now even forbidden in front of many churches. It is all the more practical in autumn when colorful leaves are available free of charge – and certainly not forbidden by any pastor!

The more colorful and smaller the leaves, the better. The following trees have colorful and small leaves that are ideal:

  • birch
  • poplar
  • beech
  • elm

Make the colorful collection of leaves available to your guests in beautiful baskets or paper bags so that autumn leaves can rain on you! A fall wedding can be a colorful experience full of nature and warmth. Everything good for you!

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