The Most Common Skin Diseases

The skin is the largest human organ and a true miracle. It uses special immune cells to keep pathogens away, regulates body temperature, sends messages, protects against UV radiation and chemicals and has a wide variety of other tasks. 

The most common skin diseases

Skin diseases  not only put a strain on the body, but often also on self-esteem. Because they are often recognizable at first glance and affect the appearance.

The skin is the largest human organ and a real miracle. It uses special immune cells to keep pathogens away, regulates body temperature, sends messages, protects against UV radiation and chemicals and has a wide variety of other tasks.

Proper care is therefore essential for general health and wellbeing. But preventive care is not always sufficient or effective. 

Today we’re going to take a closer look at the most common  skin diseases  . Read on to learn more about it.

The most common skin diseases

Skin cancer

The most common skin diseases: skin cancer

Skin cancer is malignant changes in the skin, of which there are different types.

The malignant cells multiply in the top layer of the skin, the epidermis. This can be recognized by changes in the skin. You should therefore check yourself regularly and go to the doctor if you have the slightest suspicion.

Often, increased exposure to the sun is the cause of skin cancer. Because this changes the DNA of the cells, which can lead to malignant growths over time. 

The face, neck, hands and arms are therefore particularly at risk. There are three different treatment options:  surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. 

Prevention is the best protection! Do not expose yourself to intense sunlight for too long and protect yourself with sunscreen.

Atopic dermatitis (eczema)

Skin diseases on the arms

It is a chronic skin disease in which the  immune system overreacts, which leads to various symptoms:  redness, blisters, swelling …

Often there is a genetic predisposition. A disturbed skin barrier also makes it easier for bacteria, fungi, viruses or allergens to penetrate. Stress and psychological stress can make the symptoms worse.

The severe itching often leads to sleep disorders, which of course also affects performance and concentration.

With this disease, the skin needs special care. Use natural, gentle care products as possible and seek advice from your dermatologist.

Alopecia areata

Skin diseases on the head

This is a disease of the hair follicles that leads to hair loss and bald spots on the scalp. The diagnosis is made through a skin piopsy.

Genetic factors play an important role in this case. Usually several family members are affected by this skin disease.

When it comes to autoimmune deficiency, antibodies are produced that the immune system cannot respond to adequately.  Photo chemotherapy is often used for treatment .  However, there are other alternatives as well.


Diagnosing skin conditions

Acne is also on the list of the most common skin diseases. When the microscopic pores of the skin become clogged, blackheads and pimples develop.

Blackheads (or comedos) are when a black plug blocks a sebum gland. As  Whitehead  refers to the small white dot that forms mostly in the middle of a pimple.

The causes of pimples are many. Here, too, genetic factors often play a role. But nutrition is also essential.

Hormonal changes often produce acne during puberty, which can also lead to decreased self-esteem.

Severe acne definitely needs medical attention  to prevent scarring. In addition, regular and thorough cleansing of the face is very important. Your dermatologist can advise you here as well.

Scabies (scabies)

Skin disorders

In this case, it is a parasitic skin disease:  mites settle in the skin and lay their eggs here. This disease can be transmitted and causes rashes, itching, and reddening of the skin.

Hygiene measures are fundamental in this case:  For example, clothing should be washed very thoroughly  to prevent mites from accumulating in it.

In addition, your dermatologist will prescribe an ointment to cure the disease.


Treat skin conditions

Psoriasis or psoriasis  is also one of the most common skin diseases. Dandruff builds up on the skin, which is also reddened and itchy.

The cell renewal process in this inflammatory skin disease is faster than normal. Very often psoriasis develops on the scalp, elbows and knees.

The exact causes have not been conclusively clarified. Your dermatologist will examine you closely and recommend possible treatments. 


Recognize skin disorders

Warts are usually benign growths caused by human papilloma viruses. Hygiene is very important so that other areas or people are not also infected with it through contact or smear infection. 

The disease is harmless in most cases, but once infected with the virus, it remains latently in the body. It  can become active again at any time. 

Your dermatologist will treat the wart depending on the area and type of your body. There are various alternatives for this: surgery, cryotherapy, cauterization, etc.


Treat skin conditions

This skin disease mostly occurs in the middle of the face. It manifests itself as redness and swelling. Papules and pustules can also appear.

The causes have not yet been adequately clarified. Various factors probably play a role here. For example, a regulatory disorder of the vascular supply can be the trigger.

This disease is hereditary, but it  can also be triggered by  external factors. For example, through very high or low temperatures, physical exertion. Menopause can also play a role.

As a rule, rosacea is treated with antibiotics that can be effective externally or internally.

Take care of your skin as best you can to prevent these skin diseases as much as possible.

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