Ice Treatment For Firm Skin

Don’t forget that you can damage the skin if you put the ice on directly. Therefore, you should always wrap it in a cloth before using it.

Ice treatment for firm skin

The skin of the face is exposed to various factors day in and day out, which accelerate the skin aging process and can influence the external appearance. An  ice treatment can help.

To mitigate the damage caused by pollution, sun exposure, or poor diet, for example,  there are a variety of cosmetic products and treatments available for the skin that  can help regenerate and rejuvenate it.

However, many of these care products are expensive, and not everyone can afford them every day. But there are also very useful skin care alternatives that are inexpensive and effective.

One of these alternatives is the ice treatment , which is becoming increasingly popular due to its excellent effectiveness: it can tighten and tone the skin.

It is an original treatment that is particularly popular with women for skin care, as little is required.

What Are The Benefits Of An Ice Treatment For The Skin?

Ice treatment

Already in the oriental culture ice was used for a young, firm facial skin. The ice is rubbed onto the skin in the morning and in the evening to hydrate and tone it and thus prevent the premature appearance of wrinkles.

This treatment is part of the routine in spas and beauty salons  as it has been proven to be effective in skin care.

In general, ice treatment is highly recommended in the following cases:

  • Against acne and sun or hormone-related skin spots.
  • It promotes blood circulation and then keeps the skin young.
  • The ice treatment refreshes and tones the skin without any side effects.
  • It works preventively and treats wrinkles.
  • With this treatment you can refine the pores and the complexion and prevent blackheads.
  • Ice is also great for puffy eyes and dark circles.

How is the ice treatment carried out?

This treatment is very inexpensive and easy to carry out. It is important to be constant with this and to make the treatment a routine.

Daily execution:

  • Before you start the treatment, it is important to thoroughly cleanse your face  and remove your  make-up if necessary.
  • Wrap the ice in a soft cotton cloth,  do not use it directly on the skin.
  • Then use the towel to massage the various areas of the face gently  . The ice should linger for a minute or two at each point.
  • We recommend  circular movements  in the chin area, forehead, cheeks and nose area. Carry out the treatment very carefully and gently in the eye area.
  • To complete the treatment, it is advisable to apply a natural facial toner afterwards  .

How do you treat skin with blemishes and acne?


To get rid of acne and the annoying pimples, the first  thing you should do is identify the causes of the problem and choose an appropriate treatment  for your skin type.

In addition,  the ice treatment can help freshen the skin and remove excess sebum. The following steps are recommended for this purpose:

  • Rub the ice in the towel  on the affected skin for three minutes  until you feel the cold.
  • You shouldn’t stick the ice for longer, as this  could lead to pain.
  • Then apply an acne care product. 

Do not forget…

This treatment should last a maximum of 15 minutes and should be used in the morning and evening for best results.

To increase the effect,  you can simply freeze water with lemon, rose water, green tea,  cucumber water, chamomile tea, or water with other ingredients.

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