I Love You Much More Than You Love Me

In some relationships it happens that one partner shows more love than the other. But love is not always expressed in words.

I love you much more than you love me

In a relationship it often happens that one partner invests more time and love than the other. Can this be beneficial or would a balance between both life partners be better? It doesn’t always go exactly the way you imagine it or how you would like it to be.

The person who expends more often comes up short. Over time, she becomes aware that she is not getting the love back in the same way. It hurts and creates doubts in the relationship.

As in a game it often says “I love you more than you love me”, the answer is “no, I love you much more”. But this unequal relationship can also be a reality.

For the person who gives more, this game is not absurd, it is true. Does a relationship always have to be balanced?

I love you more, so I have my doubts

Portrait of a love woman

Some feel endlessly happy because they love their partner more, because they give everything or give up for him. It could be that this urge to compete, which is present in many areas, also shapes a relationship.

But it is by no means a competition. You just start by questioning your partner’s affection. Over time, you will see signs of a lack of love that may only exist in your imagination.

You mustn’t drive yourself crazy doing this. When you love your partner, it may be necessary to accept the situation as well as your partner’s virtues and mistakes.

If you’re having a hard time, then you can give your relationship a different perspective. Think about your previous relationships or the ones that could have been. Do you really think that you are always the one who gives more affection?

You are probably aware that the answer is no. Perhaps you are in a situation that others have experienced with you before.

Express your feelings

Woman kisses man with love

If you worry too much and suffer from it, then you should let your partner know.

Your partner is likely not aware of how you are feeling and can help you see things differently.

However, if you keep your worries about this to yourself, it could cause your relationship to fail.

You may feel hurt because you think it’s not fair not to receive the same affection. Speak to your partner! If you express your feelings clearly, you can find out whether you are exaggerating or not.

The more you keep to yourself, the more you worry about it. This increases the uncertainty.

Your partner is sure to be willing to listen to you and may also try harder once they are aware of the problem. It doesn’t have to be that way, don’t expect too much.

Be careful with the space

Woman thinks of love

Personal freedom is extremely important. We often mistakenly believe that love gives us the right to take possession of the other, that everything in a relationship has to be done in twos.

Not only can this be crushing and scary, but it can also destroy a relationship.

Since you believe that you love more, you have the need to always be with your partner. So you will always pay attention to all tokens of love so that you have no doubts.

So you achieve exactly the opposite. Your partner will distance themselves from you because they feel hemmed in. He will look for his personal space and the evidence of love will diminish.

Are you still wondering why your partner isn’t calling you? Or why is he avoiding you? Absolutely avoid becoming a dependent and controlling person. Everyone needs their space to breathe.

Do you think you love your partner more than they love you? How do you feel? This is very common, you shouldn’t pay too much attention to the topic.

If you are comfortable and happy together, you don’t have to worry unnecessarily just because you are insecure. 

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