The Treatment Of Wooden Furniture

In addition to the routine cleaning of wooden furniture, you should also give it special care so that it does not deteriorate or lose its natural shine. 

Treatment of wooden furniture

When buying new furniture, most people choose comfortable furniture that is stylish and modern at the same time. However, it is important  to know more about the treatment of wooden furniture.

Because not all furniture and materials react in the same way, but you should still  take care of your furniture properly. In this way you can ensure that they are in good condition and that it will be preserved.

How often should wooden furniture be cleaned?

There is no precise time frame for this task. However, it is important that you clean your furniture thoroughly at least once a week. During this deep cleaning, dust and debris that can damage the wood are removed.

If you clean your furniture regularly, it will last longer. In addition, they keep their shine and their elegance.

Some natural ways to clean wooden furniture

There are many ways to clean wooden furniture at home without compromising its integrity.

In the following we will introduce you to some interesting care tricks. These contain ingredients that you probably already have on hand at home:

Egg white for treating wooden furniture

Egg white helps in the treatment of wooden furniture

Egg white can make wooden furniture that has become extremely dry and dull look good again.

The egg white helps restore the furniture and gives it more shine.

  • To properly use this method, you should first separate the egg whites from the yolks. Then beat the egg whites until stiff.
  • Then add a spoonful of ammonia (15 ml) and then apply it directly to the wood.
  • Finally leave it on for a few minutes and then clean it with a dry cloth. This will give your wooden furniture its shine again.

Olive oil and lemon

This is a natural blend that is often used when it comes to treating wooden furniture .

This application makes wood look really shiny and like new, including furniture that has already been varnished.

  • Simply mix the same amounts of the two ingredients together, then apply the solution to the furniture, and then let the product dry.

Olive oil and alcohol

Olive oil and alcohol for the care of wooden furniture

This method is used on furniture that has been varnished to make it look shiny again. It also removes nicks and scratches.

  • As with the previous method, you should mix the two ingredients in equal proportions. Then apply the mixture to the wood and let it dry naturally.

Olive oil and red wine

This is an ideal mixture for dark wooden furniture, as well as for wooden furniture that is difficult to shine due to its opacity.

  • All you have to do is mix a little olive oil with red wine and then apply that mixture to the wood.
  • You should then apply a layer of glycerin to the furniture. This acts as a protective and shiny film.

    Alternative treatment of wooden furniture

    Remember, wooden furniture needs maintenance. The respective care depends on the product and the care products used. However, wooden furniture also needs alternative care:

    Protect the wood from the sun and heat

    Protect wooden furniture outdoors from the sun and heat

    Heat and too much sun can be very aggressive and harmful to wooden furniture. The wooden furniture can lose its color or finish as a result. At the same time, too much sun and heat can even leave stains on the furniture.

    That is why you should, for example, put fabrics on your wooden furniture to protect it.

    Maintaining the right climate

    Wooden furniture is often very sensitive to changes in the climate. Their structure can crack or be compromised if it is too dry or too wet inside or outside.

    To avoid problems, try to maintain an ambient temperature of 23 ° C and a humidity of 42%.

    Avoid sudden movements

    When changing the position of your furniture, it is important not to make sudden movements. Because these could ruin or damage the wooden surfaces.

    To successfully mobilize furniture, you should therefore lift it off the floor or use a furniture mover.

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