Mate Tea: Cleansing Effects And Other Benefits

This tea has various health-promoting properties. And that’s what today’s article is about. Read on to learn more about it. 

Mate tea: cleansing properties and other benefits

Mate tea is particularly widespread in Argentina, but also in other South American countries. The tea is made from the leaves of the mate bush, and according to tradition, a calabash vessel is used for this.

The mate leaves are scalded with hot water. Some love  pure mate tea  , others sweeten it with sugar. A splash of lemon or orange juice also tastes delicious in it.

This tea also has various health benefits. And that’s what today’s article is about. Read on to learn more about it. 

Mate tea: properties

Mate tea has a strengthening and cleansing effect. It also has diuretic properties and contains valuable antioxidants. It is also said to reduce bad LDL cholesterol and promote good HDL cholesterol.

Various studies show that this tea promotes the formation of enzymes that protect against cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, mate leaves contain xanthine, an intermediate product that contributes to general well-being.

In places with poor water quality, mate is also used to protect against bacteria and parasites.

Man drinks mate tea

Mate tea also has a positive effect  on intellectual performance and alertness. 

It is said to be helpful for depression, but it is not addictive.

This drink contains caffeine, but  significantly less than black tea or coffee. 

However, there are also contraindications:  People with anxiety, sleep disorders or kidney diseases have to avoid them!

Studies show that drinking mate tea can sometimes cause esophageal problems. However, this is not directly due to the mate plant,  but to the hot temperature at which the tea is drunk.

In some cases, this tea can also cause heartburn.

Mate tea: various preparation options

Traditionally, this tea is drunk bitter and only brewed with hot water, but there are other ways to prepare it:

  • The bitter mate tea is particularly popular in Argentina, Uruguay, southern Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay. One speaks here of the “wild” variant, because this drink is drunk by riders of the prairie. 
  • However, the tea can also be made sweet. Many use sugar for this, but the healthier option is stevia. Children in particular prefer to drink this tea sweet. Spanish and Italian immigrants have created their own variant with the sweet mate tea.
  • The tea also tastes delicious with milk. For this, lukewarm milk is used instead of water and the mixture is then sweetened.
  • The combination with other herbs is also known as “weeds”. Chamomile, eucalyptus, mint, boldo or linden blossom are popular to give the tea a different taste and  to use the medicinal properties of these plants. 

Mate tea
  • Mate tea from the bag : The mate tea does not come directly into the calabash, but in a bag. This variant is particularly popular with younger tea drinkers.
  • Tereré:   This variant is a tradition in Paraguay and the areas of Argentina inhabited by Guaranis. Instead of water, the tereré is prepared with juice (oranges or grapefruit), herbs (mint) or lemon. First the juice is prepared in a jug and then mixed with mate.
  • Boiled Mate:  Like other types of tea, this tea is available in tea bags. It is prepared like a conventional tea, but tastes like mate. This variant is very common in Argentina and Uruguay.

Cleansing the organism with mate tea

It is enough to drink a cup of mate tea every morning. Experts believe that consuming this drink on a daily basis has a beneficial effect on our body.

Many drink the tea for breakfast with biscuits or bread (or with cakes and pastries). A cup of mate tea is also an excellent alternative to coffee in the morning.

In summer, refreshing varieties such as the tereré are particularly recommended. Try out the different preparation forms yourself to benefit from the advantages.


Pictures by Juan Pablo Olmo

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