Why Detoxification Of The Lungs Is So Important

During this cleansing regimen, you should avoid exertion so that the lungs are not stressed too much. It’s best to stay home and relax.

Why detoxing the lungs is so important

Not only smoking (active or passive) pollutes and damages the lungs smog, environmental pollution or pollutants in the workplace or, for example, too little exercise can impair the health of this important organ. For this reason, regular lung detoxification is very important.

In the following article we will tell you what you can do to detoxify your lungs .

Why is lung detoxification so important?

One often hears about the cleansing of the blood, skin, hair or intestines, but the lungs also absorb pollutants every day. These can build up and cause disease. Detoxification of the lungs is not only recommended for smokers or nicotine weaners, but for everyone who wants to improve their general health. 

Even if you have frequent respiratory problems or shortness of breath (this can also be caused by a sedentary lifestyle), if you live or work with a heavy smoker, or live in a city with high levels of pollution, lung cleansing can be very helpful.

Of course, contaminated places should also be avoided as much as possible. If you live in a big city, try to be outdoors at least on weekends.

Why detoxing the lungs is so important


Lung cleaning

You need three consecutive days to clean your lungs. It is best to use three days off, as you have to consider several things:

  • Avoid places where your lungs can become contaminated.
  • Stay away from people who smoke.
  • Pay attention to your diet and eat lots of fruits and salads.
  • Avoid red and white meat during these three days.
  • You should also keep your hands off milk and dairy products (milk, yoghurt, butter, cream, cheese, ice cream …), as they often cause allergies and intolerances, which often lead to respiratory diseases. 
  • Avoid caffeine, soda, industrial juices, and refined sugars.
  • Drink plenty of water (2 liters per day), herbal teas, and eat low-fat vegetable soups.
  • You should also consume antimicrobial soups and herbal juices. Rosemary, thyme and oregano are especially good.

This is how harmful substances are discharged from the body. During the lung cleanse, you shouldn’t overwork or overload yourself. You should also avoid sport during these three days. While your lungs are detoxifying, you should allow yourself plenty of time and rest.

This is how lung detox works

Lung detox juices

In addition to the recommendations above, we recommend the following juices. You should consume plenty of vitamin C before breakfast. This strengthens the immune system and improves lung health: Mix the juice of 2 lemons with a glass of water and drink. Instead of lemons, you can also use grapefruit or grapefruit. If necessary, sweeten with stevia or cane sugar, but it is best to use pure.

In the morning you need potassium, a mineral that cleanses the body, prevents cramps and regulates and distributes body fluids. Have a glass or two of high-potassium smoothies. Here is a good recipe:

  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 cup prunes or medlars
  • 1/2 cup strawberries
  • 2 glasses of rice or almond milk
  • 1/2 cup papaya
  • 3 dates

At lunchtime, it’s best to have a salad with carotenoids. These strengthen the lung tissue and protect the cells. The following foods contain carotenoids:  carrots, tomatoes, beetroot, oranges, red peppers, melon, mango and peach. You can also make a smoothie: 300 ml carrot juice, a green or red apple and a handful of parsley. This juice is rich in vitamin A and carotenoids, which alkalize the blood.

Lung detox juices

We recommend two glasses of cranberry juice before going to bed (2 hours after eating). This small, dark fruit has many healthy properties: for example, it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects and is therefore also very healthy for the lungs.

Finally, we would like to reveal another tip to you to clean your lungs:

  • Take a 20-minute steam bath to remove toxins from your body through sweat. Put 10 drops of eucalyptus oil in the bath water or on a towel that you wrap yourself in when you leave the bath.
  • Get some fresh air, to a park or garden full of plants, as often as possible, and out of town if possible.

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