Partner Is Dismissive: What To Do?

Your partner is dismissive and you don’t know why? Or are you perhaps unsure whether you are just imagining it? In this article, we’ll give you a few tips on what to do in such a situation.

Partner is dismissive: what to do?

Your partner is dismissive and you don’t know why? Or are you perhaps unsure whether you are just imagining it? In this article, we’ll give you a few tips on what to do in such a situation.

If you feel that your partner is distancing themselves from you, it is very normal for you to be concerned and doubtful. However, this is not yet an indication that something must have happened.

Maybe he is currently having a lot of stress at work or other things on his mind. However, it cannot be ruled out that there are problems in your relationship that need to be solved.

In both cases, fear and worry may make you act carelessly or make a decision that harms rather than strengthens your relationship. To avoid this, here’s some advice on what you can do to fix this problem.

The partner is dismissive: tips

Talk to each other

Your partner is dismissive , which means there is a need to talk. It is important that you understand what is going on and why you should seek a conversation with him. During this time, you should approach him and not blame him.

However, as mentioned in the article Estrategias de resoluciĆ³n de conflictos en la pareja: negociando en lo cotidiano (in English: Couples conflict resolution strategies : negotiating in everyday life ), there are people who resolve conflicts by means of distance, silence and passivity.

The partner is dismissive: consider couples therapy

Couples therapy

If after the interview you find that your partner cannot really express their needs and dismiss your differences as a trifle, couples therapy should be considered. There are two options for this:

  • Individual sessions help work on personal problems, such as low self-esteem, insecurity, or difficulty dealing with emotions.
  • Joint sessions are intended to explore how couples interact with each other and to improve their communication.

For this to be possible at all, both of you must equally agree to undergo therapy. In the opposite case, it will have no positive effect.

The partner is dismissive: end the relationship

If, after the conversation or therapy, it turns out that your partner no longer has feelings for you, the relationship should be ended.

The reason the relationship is kept on is to try to keep it going out of habit. It is often argued that they want to change or start over.

But if your partner makes it clear that he no longer wants to be with you or is unhappy, you should better go your separate ways. This is a difficult and very painful situation. In this case, too, it can be beneficial to seek therapeutic help.

Working on your insecurity

It is entirely possible that none of the above applies and that the problem is actually your own insecurity. You may have low self-esteem or fear of being abandoned by making yourself too dependent. Your partner is dismissive but only in your head

Difficult relationships that have existed in the past or broken family relationships are often the reason why insecurity and mistrust arise.

Quarreling couple

In this case, you should seek help from a psychologist who can help you break these thought patterns in order to have a healthy relationship. If you need assistance, it is perfectly right to seek help.

Give the partner space

Fear and insecurity can lead to you being too constricted and overwhelming your partner. This can be very counterproductive for your relationship.

He’ll insist on having more space, which you don’t give him. It is therefore important to learn to recognize these behaviors in therapy and learn to abandon them.

It is also important to keep saying that good communication is the key to a healthy relationship. So it is possible for you to express emotions and feelings appropriately and to tell the other person what you really need whether more freedom, time for yourself or the complete opposite.

Do you also feel that your partner is distancing himself from you? If so, this article is intended to encourage you to seek help, if necessary, to improve your relationship.

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