Coconut Oil For Versatile Hair Care

With coconut oil it is possible to care for and style the hair and to do without synthetic products entirely

Coconut oil for versatile hair care

Not only is it delicious in the kitchen, it’s also a perfect ally in beauty care. Coconut oil for skin and hair care is very useful – very easily and without chemicals!

What is coconut oil?

It seems like the new miracle cure. But what is behind it? Coconut oil has been known and proven as an effective beauty product in its countries of origin for millennia and generations.

It also has a regular place in Asian and tropical cuisine and we like to use it in desserts.

Coconut oil is nothing but the fat of the coconut. It is extracted from the white pulp of the nuts and is solid at room temperature, but melts at body temperature, which makes it ideal as a cosmetic.

The fragrant, natural oil is a great means of caring for hair.

Stubborn, curly hair is tamed again with coconut oil, and extremely dry ends are cared for. Coconut oil is also used in skin care to retain moisture in the skin by creating a protective film over the skin.

It is not absorbed very well by the skin, which provides the protective effect. This is particularly important if you want to protect the skin from the elements, such as the cold. Coconut oil is perfect for hair and skin care in winter!


Why coconut oil for hair care

For hair care you don’t necessarily have to resort to synthetic hair care products from the supermarket, because they are not always optimal for your hair!

Under synthetic hair care products, we summarize all that contain ingredients that are not of purely natural or vegetable origin.

Most of these are waste products from the mineral oil industry, which are sold to us as care cosmetics for expensive money.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil instead of silicone

Silicones are very popular in hair care products. Silicones are by-products of the mineral oil industry and have the only advantage in hair care that they make the hair feel softer and silky in the short term.

However, this is not a real hair care product, as the silicones only cover the individual hair like a layer and do not supply it with nutrients.

Due to this layer around the hair, real nutrients can no longer reach the hair and it becomes brittle and dry, and split ends can occur.

With regular use, silicones also weigh down the hair because layer by layer is deposited on the hair. You don’t notice it, however, because the hair feels well cared for thanks to the silicone layer!

Coconut oil

Natural coconut oil instead of mineral / petroleum

Mineral oil-based oils do not contain any fatty acids and therefore cannot go rancid. They are therefore completely undemanding in storage and do not have to be protected from light, heat and oxygen.

The oils are therefore “infinitely” long-lasting and completely uncomplicated, as they also do not cause allergies.

However, they are criticized for being carcinogenic due to certain ingredients. Some mineral oil-based hair care products contain paraffins.

These do not penetrate the skin or hair, but remain on the surface as a “lubricating film”. A care effect is not achieved by oils containing paraffin.

The only advantage of mineral oil-based hair products is their extremely affordable price. But even a low price without a care effect is an unnecessary expense.

Coconut oil hair treatment

Coconut oil instead of chemicals!

If you really want to take care of your hair, you shouldn’t use synthetic “care” substances.

A look at the package should therefore become a matter of course before you buy the shampoo, conditioner or hair treatment.

Such substances are generally prohibited in natural cosmetics. When you start to switch from synthetic care products to herbal ingredients, it makes sense to get a “hair peeling” from the hairdresser, which removes the accumulated silicones from your hair and makes it receptive for real hair care.

Natural vegetable oils, such as coconut oil, which you can store in a practical jar in the bathroom, are a very simple way of caring for your hair.


Application examples

Coconut oil can be used in many ways for hair care, try it out! Make sure, however, that you don’t take too much of it and that you rub the oil between your fingertips or palms beforehand to liquefy it. You can use coconut oil as follows:

  • Work into the lengths of the hair as a hair treatment : Make sure that the oil is nice and warm, it is best to also use a hairdryer while the coconut oil works on dry hair.
  • Wet look:  Instead of chemicals, coconut oil can be used to create the wet look. Use strand by strand sparingly!
  • Protection against sea water and chlorine:  The salt in sea water and chlorine in the swimming pool can damage your hair. If you knead coconut oil into your hair before bathing, your hair is protected from it.
  • Protection against friction: In strong winds, you should cover your hair to protect the hair from damage caused by the friction in the wind. Alternatively, you can rub some oil over it to protect it. Also ideal for women motorcyclists!
  • Anti-static: Coconut oil tames flying hair that, when electrically charged, stand on end. Simply rub a small amount between your hands and use it to smooth the flyaway hair.

Further areas of application

  • Split ends protection: A tiny amount worked into damp hair in the tips, protects against split ends and drying out.
  • Define curls: You can get great, bouncy curls when you use coconut oil like hair wax to work out your curls.
  • Protection against the cold: at sub-zero temperatures the air is very dry, the dry heating air indoors does not make it any better. Just knead some oil into the lengths of the hair to protect the hair from drying out!

As you can see, you basically don’t need any other hair care product or styling agent than coconut oil!

If you take unrefined oil, it smells nice of coconut. If you don’t like the scent, opt for refined coconut oil, which is odorless (and can be heated up in the kitchen).

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