Raise Healthy Children: Don’t Take Your Frustration Out On Them

Before you take out your anger on your children, realize that they are not to blame for the problems. Try to save them unnecessary suffering and raise healthy children by protecting their happiness and self-esteem.

Raise Healthy Children: Don't Take Your Frustration Out on Them

Your children don’t deserve to be victims of your stress, worries and fears or negative events in your life. Raise healthy children by not taking these emotions out on them.

It’s far too easy to yell at your children, get angry easily, or punish them for no reason.

What you do not notice at the moment is that your children are not to blame for how your life has developed or how frustrated you are, for example because of an argument with your partner.

No one is to blame for the things that happen to you in life, especially not your children.

The risk of taking your anger out on those who least deserve it

Raise healthy children, don't yell at your children!

Taking out your own frustration on the children can sometimes release pent-up emotions and unspoken things.

You may want to stay calm in front of your boss for fear of losing your job. Perhaps you have also started to accept certain behavior from your partner, even though you secretly can’t stand it.

All of these things can lead you to vent your anger in front of those who least deserve it. Raise healthy children and don’t take out your negative emotions on them.

In addition, you have someone in front of you who cannot defend yourself and over whom you have a certain power.

If they fight back and argue back, one is quickly tempted to use the authority one has over one’s children when in reality, even if it does not seem so at the moment, one is losing control of the situation.

You don’t always have to hold back your negative emotions. However, they should be left out to the right person. Try to find the right words, be respectful, and focus on the heart of the matter. If you swallow your anger, sooner or later it will come back up.

You should also communicate honestly to your partner when something is wrong instead of accepting it and not saying anything.

Maybe sometimes you choose this path in the hope that the partner will eventually change their behavior, but if you never address them, how are they supposed to know that something is wrong? It’s not a guessing game after all …

When children are suffering from the effects of your frustration

Raise healthy children child

Fear of venting anger and frustration can have a very powerful impact on innocent children who are just starting to learn how life is going.

The less you are able to solve your own problems, the more you focus on the negative things. Your children will not understand why even the smallest mistake leads to a huge drama.

If this pattern of behavior is sustained over a long period of time and one is unable to pause and notice that it does not change the problem at hand  , the children will develop low self-esteem as a result.

A positive self-esteem is very important. However, if you see all sorts of things in life in black, that will spread to the children too.

It won’t be long before the children develop a negative impulse and find everything they do wrong. And what about the things that they did well? They are forgotten.

They are young now, but as the children get older this can become a serious problem – not only will they have low self-esteem, but they will also be unable to pursue their own dreams. In addition, their interpersonal relationships suffer.

Raise healthy children and don’t blame others

Raise healthy kids' boxing gloves

Perhaps you are looking for the fault with your boss, who is not treating you well enough, or with your partner, who is not paying enough attention.

It’s time to look at it all from a different perspective.

The fault is not with the others, but with yourself.  You are the person who reacts in the most inappropriate way to the things that happen to you in life.

If you don’t express your feelings and don’t say a word in the hope that other people will change their behavior on their own  , you accept that the situation will remain as it is.

Put your fears and insecurities aside and say what’s going on inside you. Make decisions and act according to your attitude towards things.

If you are balanced and have no emotions built up, you no longer need a human punching bag to reduce your own frustrations.

Raise healthy children and never blame them for the behavior of others. Start by venting your fears and emotions before they reach your children.

Focus on the present and do something when you have to. But don’t swallow your anger and frustration: let it out on the right people at the right moments and you will feel free and balanced.

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