Why Do You Eat Too Much In The Evening?

Find out why you raid the fridge at night and how to end this bad habit.

Why do you eat too much in the evening?

You probably know the saying: breakfast like an emperor, lunch like a king and dinner like a beggar. Nevertheless, many eat  too much in the evening. 

Maybe you come home late or you get really hungry in the evening. It is also not uncommon to raid the refrigerator at night. Because  cravings can arise at any time if unhealthy eating habits are the rule. 

Eating too much dinner affects digestion. But this habit can also have other consequences. Then learn more about this topic. 

Why you eat too much in the evening

Woman in front of the fridge eats too much in the evening

In general, stress and anxiety can be reasons why you overeat in the evening . A hectic life can also lead to nighttime food cravings.

Psychologically, this can be explained by the fact  that in the evening after work you need something that creates well-being. Eating is undoubtedly one of the most popular pain relievers and soul comforters at the same time!

Furthermore, your daily rhythm can also play an important role in why you overeat in the evening. Studies show that your internal clock prompts you to eat sweet dishes with a lot of starch and salty foods in the evening.

This habit helped our ancestors store energy. However, the consequences of our current rhythm of life are negative for our health and also for our body weight. 

Many people prefer carbohydrates late in the evening. However, you are consuming a lot of calories, which has negative consequences. While these foods reduce stress, they are not good for your health. Plus, once your body gets used to it, your body constantly craves it.

Why is a light dinner recommended?

Woman wants to lose weight, but eats too much in the evening

Obesity is not the only negative consequence you will feel when you overeat in the evening. It can also lead to more serious problems such as diabetes or heart problems. 

A heavy dinner or a midnight snack can raise your blood sugar, and therefore your insulin levels. If you do this regularly, then you are the perfect candidate for  type II diabetes.

Eating at night also increases your cholesterol levels. This, in turn, can lead to more serious heart disease, including a heart attack. 

Do you eat too much in the evening? These consequences can also occur as a result

  • Nocturnal treats can throw your sleep cycle out of rhythm. Among other things, this can lead to uncomfortable dreams, especially in young people.
  • In addition, it can affect memory and the ability to learn.
  • Studies have shown that large dinners increase the risk of a heart attack. Especially if you overeat after 7pm. 
  • If you overeat and then go to bed, the risk of gastroesophageal reflux also increases.
  • Another consequence: As the insulin level rises, you are very hungry in the morning and need more calories!

How can you avoid eating out at night?

Why you eat too much at night and tips against it
  • You should try to eat early in the evening. The best thing to do is to stop eating after 8 or 9 p.m. 
  • Plan your meals and stick to them! With a healthy eating plan, you can better control your eating habits. When you get home, you know what’s on the plan and don’t just grab the next convenience meal or unhealthy snacks at random. 
  • Keep a log and write down everything you eat during the day. This way you keep track of things, which also makes it easier to control. You can also analyze how you can improve your diet. This method will make it easier for you to control your cravings and prevent overeating in the evening.
  • Regular sleep times and a good quality of sleep are also essential. If you sleep through the night, you don’t run the risk of clearing the fridge!

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