Food To Detoxify The Liver

Dandelion tea not only promotes digestion, it also helps with fat loss and stimulates the production of amino acids that detoxify and regenerate the liver.

Foods to detoxify the liver

The liver is a central metabolic organ and should therefore be cared for accordingly. This vital organ is fundamental to health, which is why today we are introducing you to various foods for  detoxifying the liver .

Lifestyle, diet and also environmental toxins can directly affect the health of the liver. You should therefore regularly include these foods in your eating plan. 

1. Spinach to detoxify the liver

Spinach is rich in glutathione. While you may never have heard of this tripeptide, it is essential for liver health:

  • This active ingredient consists of 3 amino acids: cysteine, glutamate and glycine.
  • It is a powerful antioxidant that protects against free radicals.
  • The glutathione present in spinach helps the liver to cleanse the body of pollutants and residues.

2. Lemon to detoxify the liver

Lemon water to detoxify the liver

Do you drink a glass of lemon water every morning on an empty stomach, as we have recommended several times? This citrus fruit is high in vitamin C and  stimulates the liver to synthesize and excrete harmful substances.

Lemons also contain valuable antioxidants and minerals that are important for the proper functioning of the liver.

3. Brussels sprouts

It is best to serve Brussels sprouts with olive oil at least twice a week: cruciferous vegetables like cabbage or Brussels sprouts contain isothiocyanate, a  liver enzyme that helps remove harmful substances. 

4. Turmeric to detoxify the liver

Turmeric for the liver

Turmeric is one of the best spices for liver health. You can use it as a spice or as a coloring for a wide variety of dishes.

  • Turmeric promotes liver detoxification.
  • This spice reduces liver inflammation and
  • promotes digestion and the production of bile.

5. Nuts

Nuts also contain a lot of glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, these dried fruits are characterized by arginine, which also promotes cleansing of the liver and in particular helps to remove ammonia.

It’s best to eat 4 nuts for breakfast.

6. Avocado to detoxify the liver

Avocado for a healthy liver

Some people do without avocados because these fruits are high in calories. The secret, however, lies in a balanced diet. If you eat half an avocado every day, you can benefit from its valuable ingredients: This fruit is rich in nutrients and glutathione.

Use avocados in salads,  the fatty acids they contain are very healthy and promote your general well-being.

7. Apples

The daily apple (with its peel!) Is an excellent way to protect us from numerous diseases. Apples are high in  pectin and other essential ingredients that aid digestion,  improve the absorption of nutrients, and stimulate liver health.

If you want to lose fat in addition to taking care of your liver, you should definitely eat a green apple every day.

8. Garlic

Garlic for the liver

A clove of garlic on an empty stomach with a glass of water helps cleanse the body and provides allicin and selenium. These minerals  promote liver detoxification and have strong antibiotic and anti-inflammatory effects.

If you are concerned about bad breath, you can chew a mint leaf afterward. Your health will thank you!

9. Dandelion tea

If you drink dandelion tea after your main meals every day, you not only aid digestion,  you also help the liver break down fat and produce amino acids that  are good for your health.

Start this healthy habit today!

10. Asparagus

Asparagus for liver health

White or green asparagus tastes great and is very healthy. Both help drain excess fluids  and maintain kidney and liver health.

Asparagus with scrambled eggs, for example, are ideal for dinner: this way, your body is supplied with proteins and minerals.

11. White tea

We have already reported several times about the benefits of white tea:

  • This one contains even more antioxidants than green tea.
  • This natural drink is also characterized by catechins, which support liver function.
  • You can drink two cups of white tea a day.

    12. Olive oil

    Olive oil - healthy for the liver

    Use the best virgin olive oil from first cold pressing and organic cultivation. You can use it to care for your liver,  reduce inflammation and remove pollutants.

    13. Benefits of buckwheat

    Buckwheat has numerous liver benefits. This pseudo-grain supports the production of enzymes that promote the cleansing process and stimulate the metabolism of amino acids and vitamins.

    14. Mixed drink with beetroot and carrots

    Beetroot - healthy for the liver

    Have you already tasted this mixture? This simple drink stimulates and cleanses the liver very effectively. Thanks to the vitamins it contains, it cleanses  the organism, prevents constipation and improves digestion. At the same time, you can benefit from the flavonoids and beta-carotene of this mixed drink.

    15. Tomatoes

    Tomatoes are rich in vitamins, lycopene, and glutathione. They promote liver and cardiovascular health. You can cook the tomatoes without hesitation, because a  delicious tomato sauce with olive oil will particularly benefit you from the advantages.

    Don’t forget to include a variety of these foods in your eating plan each day. Your liver will thank you!

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