3 Easy And Delicious Recipes With Fish

Prepare these delicious and healthy recipes!

3 easy and delicious recipes with fish

Recipes with fish are healthy, tasty and easy to prepare. We’ll show you how to do it today. Even if your cooking skills are limited, you can easily implement these recipes.

Preparation time and degree of difficulty can vary, but there are many simple ways to quickly conjure up a healthy fish dish on the table. Of course, you can adapt all recipes individually to your taste and get creative yourself.

Recipes with fish: fish and rice

Delicious recipes with fish

1. Grilled hake

This fish is very tasty, nutritious and is widely used in Western and Latin American gastronomy. The hake can be fried, steamed, smoked, grilled or fried. However, we recommend that you grill it. In this way your body is supplied with vitamins, omega 3, oligo elements and of course proteins.


  • 2 hake fillets (500 g)
  • 4 peeled garlic cloves (50 g)
  • 2 sprigs of fresh parsley (20 g)
  • 1 spoonful of black ground pepper (25 g)
  • 1/2 cup of virgin olive oil (40 ml)


  • This recipe is very easy to make. Start with the marinade. You will need a glass of virgin olive oil for this. There you add the finely chopped garlic cloves and the chopped parsley. Then let it steep for 1 hour.
  • Then prepare the hake. First, wash, remove unwanted residue and pepper both sides.
  • Preheat the grill and put some oil on the tray.
  • Then pour the marinade on the fillets and grill the fish  until both sides are golden brown.
  • Serve and you’re done.

2. Tuna with garlic

As you can see, all of the fish recipes we present are easy to follow. It’s about implementing quick and easy recipes that are high quality and healthy at the same time. 


  • 1 garlic (45 g)
  • 2 cups of vinegar (220 ml)
  • 2 slices of fresh tuna (425 g)
  • 2 spoons of cumin (50 g)
  • 1 spoonful of black ground pepper (25 g)
  • 1 spoonful of virgin olive oil (30 g)


  • Wash the tuna well and drain off the excess water.
  • Then put the tuna slices together with the vinegar and a little salt in a large saucepan and cook for 10 minutes on high heat.
  • While the tuna is cooking, crush the cloves of garlic with the cumin and a drop of oil in a mortar.
  • When the tuna is done, take it out of the pan and let it cool down a little.
  • Add the garlic mixture, making sure that the fish is covered evenly.
  • Let it steep for 25 minutes. Then either eat it straight away or chill it and heat it up in the pan the next day.

    3. Grilled salmon

    Salmon is delicious and can be prepared in many ways. Try our recipe for today! This fish contains important nutrients:  proteins, minerals, omega 3 and good cholesterol.

    Recipes with fish: grilled salmon


    • 1 lemon (20 g)
    • 1 large piece of salmon (300 g)
    • 2 peeled garlic cloves (15 g)
    • 1 spoon of sea salt (25 g)
    • 1/2 cup Provencal herbs (50 g)
    • 2 spoons of ground parsley (50 g)
    • 1 spoonful of virgin olive oil (30 ml)


    • Wash the salmon well with plenty of water. Then marinate the fillet with the squeezed garlic, salt, chopped parsley and herbs. Brush the marinade on both sides of the fish.
    • Then wrap the salmon in aluminum foil or cling film and place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
    • Then remove and fry with a little olive oil. Then serve and enjoy.

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