Natural Methods Against Depression

Eat a banana every day for breakfast or as a snack to improve your state of mind and manage stress more easily. Don’t forget to exercise to release endorphins.

Natural Methods For Depression

There are numerous causes of depression: family, partner, friends, work, financial aspects, self-esteem and much more all influence our emotional state. There are natural  methods for treating depression.

When everything goes downhill and the pressure becomes too great, it leads not only to mental illness, but also to physical illness, loneliness and sadness. 

Everyone reacts differently, some tend to quickly reach for medication, others suffer in silence. The danger with drugs is that they lead to dependence and can also have other side effects.

There are also natural alternative methods that can then be effective for depression. It is important to seek medical advice in order to then choose the most suitable form of treatment. In this article, we describe several natural methods for treating depression.

How does depression arise?

Depression are emotional disorders that are characterized by depression, deepest sadness and dissatisfaction. The causes are wide-ranging, some are accidental, others are avoidable.

Common triggers for depression:

  • genetic predisposition
  • Accidental trauma, death, and other tragedies
  • stress
  • sentimental disappointment
  • negative events
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Drug use as well as consumption of other toxic substances
  • Mental abuse (bullying, etc.)

Anyone who lets themselves be carried away by these negative events and can no longer find a way out can continue to suffer from the serious consequences of depression.

Often times, people with low self-esteem are particularly at risk. The consequences include listlessness, loss of appetite, incapacity for work and, in extreme cases, even suicide.

In extreme stressful situations and depression, the immune system becomes more susceptible to infections and other diseases such as cancer. Treatment can be through psychotherapy, medication, hypnosis, etc.

In this post, we present 7 natural methods for treating depression  that are very helpful in mild cases. However, as already mentioned, those affected, especially if it is severe, long-term depression, should definitely seek medical advice.

Natural Methods For Depression

1. Bananas

Depressive? Then you should eat bananas every day .  Because these are good for the nerves. They contain vitamins A, C and E, vitamins of the B complex (B1, B2, B12), as well as potassium, calcium and phosphorus.

It is best to eat a banana for breakfast and possibly another one in between as a snack. However, overdoing it is not good because bananas are high in sugar.

2. Pickled garlic

The pollutants accumulated in the organism can then also influence the emotional state. This home remedy cleanses and strengthens the body, thus preventing depression. Ingredients:

  • 150 grams of fresh garlic
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Mineral water
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 150 grams of honey

Peel and squeeze the garlic and then pour it into a jar with a mixture of mineral water and apple cider vinegar.

Now add the olive oil and honey and the remedy is ready. Then take a spoon before and after meals . Your general condition will then improve quickly.

3. Dark chocolate

As everyone knows, chocolate puts you in a good mood. Various scientific studies have shown that the daily consumption of dark chocolate for a period of 2 weeks reduces the concentration of stress hormones.

So you can enjoy a bit of dark chocolate every day and recharge your batteries with positive energy.

4. Methods for Depression: Aloe and Honey

If you are feeling melancholy and powerless, a syrup made from aloe and honey can help re-energize. This remedy strengthens the immune system and activates the cells. Ingredients:

  • 5 aloe vera leaves
  • 250 grams of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of whiskey or cognac

First remove the thorns from the washed aloe vera leaves and then remove the fruit gel. Put all ingredients in a sterile container and use the blender to make juice.

Store cool. Take a tablespoon before each meal. After a week you will feel a lot better.

5. tennis balls

This calming agent was already used by the Egyptian pharaohs (but not with tennis balls!). With tennis balls, all of the energy points on the sole of the foot can easily be activated.

Just sit in a chair and roll your foot over the tennis ball. If you do this self-massage once a day, you will surely feel more active and optimistic very soon.

6. Methods for Depression: Reduce your sugar consumption

Sometimes we find the solution to our problems through the simplest correction. So I recommend that you cut down on foods that are high in sugar, as they have been shown to help eliminate B-complex vitamins.

Vitamins B9 and B12 have a direct influence on the development and stabilization of the nervous system. If you eat more eggs, spinach, carrots, watercress, fruit, and dairy products, you will soon stop feeling depressed.

7. Do sports

Sitting a lot is the main cause of many of our problems: obesity, heart attacks, depression. Exercising daily will help you release adrenaline and other hormones that affect your vitality. You will soon feel more alert, motivated and vital.

Final remark

Try to take everything more calmly, learn to love yourself, enjoy the beauty of the world, enjoy time with your family, enjoy long walks, dinner with friends, learn from mistakes and then try to look ahead.

Create a positive atmosphere with energetic colors and happy music. There is always a solution, and it is often much closer than you think.

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