Home Remedies For Dry Skin

Find out how you can naturally moisturize your dry skin.

Home remedies for dry skin

The skin is our largest organ and also one of the most important, as it is the body’s external protection. Therefore, it should be protected and cared for accordingly. Many suffer from very dry skin, which is why today we are introducing home remedies for skin dryness.

If you have severe skin problems, you should definitely consult a specialist who can advise you accordingly. Wrong products or applications make the problem worse. So let yourself be well advised. 

Home remedies for dry skin

Yogurt mask

One of the most effective home remedies is a refreshing and repairing yogurt mask with honey and mashed strawberries.

  • Apply this mask to the skin of your face and leave it on for 10 minutes.
  • Then rinse with lukewarm water.
  • To further improve the results, we recommend peeling with sugar and honey beforehand.


    Lemon against dry skin

    The lemon is also an excellent natural remedy for promoting fresh and healthy skin. It has an antioxidant effect and thus helps to delay the aging process of the skin. 

    • Make a mask with the juice of a lemon and a powdered aspirin tablet.
    • Apply the resulting paste in the evening before going to bed.
    • After a short time, wash it off with plenty of water.
    • Don’t forget:  You can only use this mask in the evening when you are no longer going to be in the sun. Because lemon can have the opposite effects when exposed to the sun and lead to skin spots.

      Avocado and olive oil

      A mixture of avocado and olive oil is also very beneficial for  dry skin You can use this treatment for the whole body. 

      Let the mask work for about 10 minutes, then wash off with lukewarm water.

      Baby oil

      Baby oil is one of the best products against dry skin. It is often significantly more effective than body creams.

      After the shower, take care of your body with this oil while the skin is still damp.

      almond oil


      Almond oil is also excellent against dry skin. It is inexpensive and easily available. Use it to moisturize and care for your skin!


      To avoid skin dryness, external care is not sufficient. Don’t forget to drink enough water throughout the day  to nourish your skin from the inside too! 

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