Easier To Lose Weight: The Best Plants

If you take ginger tea before meals, you can improve digestion and prevent fat from accumulating in the body.

Easier to lose weight: the best plants

Losing weight is a must for many in order to maintain their health. That’s why today we want to introduce you to  the best plants for weight loss.

If you want to lose weight, it should always be done in a healthy and balanced way. Many start strict diets that they quickly end without success. But the best weight loss plants can help you change that.

You can easily find these plants in health food stores or supermarkets and incorporate them into your diet regularly. Consume them in their natural form to best benefit from the active ingredients. 

The best plants for weight loss

Green tea

Green tea


Green tea is known for its antioxidants and is also wonderful at helping you lose weight. Studies have shown that regular consumption of green tea can result in up to 30% more fat loss, especially in the abdominal area.

Green tea also removes water retention. Thanks to its catechins, it brings the body into what is known as thermogenesis, which prevents the conversion of sugar into fat.


Drink the tea three times a day after each main meal. However, wait at least 30 minutes after eating before drinking, as the tannin it contains inhibits iron absorption.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Aloe vera should not be missing from the list of the best plants for weight loss.


  • Aloe vera reduces visceral fat. Thanks to the phytosterols, it reduces belly fat, which is considered particularly dangerous and surrounds the most important organs. Aloe gel can also lower the triglycerides in the blood.
  • In addition, the real aloe has a positive effect on the blood sugar level.
  • Aloe improves metabolism. The active ingredients Lophenol and Cycloartenol activate certain receptors in the liver and stimulate fat metabolism. This way, it will be easier to lose weight. Aloe also has a laxative and detoxifying effect.


Make yourself a mixed drink made from aloe vera. Use a tablespoon of the pulp every morning and mix it with a glass of water. You can sweeten the drink with honey.

Bay cinnamon tea



If you’ve never tried this tea before, don’t miss the chance. It’s one of the best blends of teas for losing weight.

Bay leaves have a dehydrating effect  and therefore help against fluid retention. Cinnamon contains terpenes and essential fatty acids that support fat metabolism.


To get the full effect, you should drink the tea three times a day. One cup before breakfast, half a cup before dinner and one cup before bed.

Simply brew a few bay leaves and a cinnamon stick with boiling water, then let the tea steep.



Parsley is also one of the best plants for weight loss.


Parsley is not only a popular spice, it also contains lysine and essential fatty acids such as apiol, which promote weight loss.

In addition, parsley can also reduce cholesterol and provide us with many vitamins and minerals.


You can make parsley as a tea. Simply add a small spoon of parsley to hot water and then let the mixture steep.

You can drink up to two cups a day. Parsley also tastes delicious in combination with celery and carrot juice and is very effective.

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne tea


Capsaicin is the active ingredient that gives cayenne pepper its warm and pungent taste and can also help us lose weight. It reduces caloric intake and adipose tissue, as well as blood fat.


Prepare tea with cayenne pepper every day after each main meal. Drink it in sips and don’t overdo it, because this tea is very hot!




  • Ginger improves digestion and also has a filling effect,
  • burns fat and has a dehydrating effect,
  • regulates blood sugar levels,
  • prevents inflammation in the abdominal area and
  • improves metabolism.


It is important that you consume the spice at least 15 minutes before lunch or dinner. This improves your digestion and prevents fats from accumulating in the body.

Brew a teaspoon of grated ginger with boiling water and let the mixture steep for a few minutes.

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