Why Do Women Often Suffer From Hip Pain?

If the pain is severe, rest helps. Gentle massages and special nutrition also provide relief.

Why do women often suffer from hip pain?

Hip pain  can be very uncomfortable and have a major impact on everyday life. Many women suffer from it for various reasons. But how does it come about?

Although you can  hip pain  occur at any age, but especially older people often suffer from it. Wear and tear, inflammation, or trauma are possible causes.

The doctor will make the correct diagnosis and initiate appropriate treatment. This article will tell you more about possible causes and treatments to reduce hip pain. 

Causes of Hip Pain

Hip pain can be acute or chronic. The reasons are very varied, we will then only list the most important of them.

Bursitis of the hip

The technical term for this inflammation is bursitis, because “bursa” is the name for bursa. This is a bag filled with fluid that prevents friction between the ligament and the protruding bone in the hip joint.

Pain is particularly evident during sleep. They can be unilateral or bilateral. Those affected can also suffer more pain when walking or climbing stairs. Sometimes they also occur while sitting.

What to do?

In addition to the actions recommended by your doctor, you can use these tips to relieve pain:

  • Diet:  Carrots , citrus fruits, tomatoes and all fruits and vegetables with vitamins A and B are recommended.
  • In addition, the hips should be  spared so that the inflammation is reduced. If the pain is no longer as intense, gentle exercises or a short walk are recommended.
  • Massages are also very helpful. 
  • Heat treatments can also reduce pain.

Polymyalgia Rheumatica

This is an inflammatory disease that causes acute pain in the pelvic girdle muscles. The pain becomes noticeable with every movement, the hip gradually becomes stiffer. 

Older people in particular suffer from these complaints. This can also lead to fatigue, weight loss and listlessness. 

What to do?

After seeing the doctor, you should carefully follow the recommendations of the professional. The following measures can also help:

  • Alternating hot and cold compresses
  • Massages
  • Anti-inflammatory diet
  • External use of lavender oil, willow oil, euclyptus oil or a rosemary tincture
  • Devil’s Claw is a plant that has anti-inflammatory properties. You can buy capsules from the pharmacy or health food store and take them according to the instructions.
  • Willow or nettle tea can also relieve rheumatic pain.
  • An alternative treatment option: With apitherapy, the poison transmitted by  bee stings, which contains the anti-inflammatory agent melittin, can sometimes bring relief. However, this method has not been scientifically proven.
    Hip pain


    Many women suffer from osteoarthritis in the hip area. The wear and tear of bones and the loss of muscle mass often result in intense pain in the hip area.

    Osteoarthritis is accompanied by stiffness and inflammation. This can seriously affect everyday life. 

    What to do?

    Follow your doctor’s instructions. In addition, the following tips can help you:

    • Celery contains important nutrients such as potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, iron and vitamins A, B, C and E. If you use it to regularly prepare a mixed drink, you can prevent symptoms. You can also use celery leaves to make tea.
    • Carrot juice with celery has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
    • Cherry juice is also excellent for healthy joints.
    • Make an envelope of warm apple cider vinegar to relieve osteoarthritis pain.


    Tendonitis, or tendinitis, often leads to hip pain. These can already occur in adolescents. Incorrect movement or rotation or certain sports activities could be the triggers.

    What to do?

    Follow your doctor’s advice! He’ll likely prescribe you a pain reliever and advise you to rest.

    • In addition, alternating baths with salt and vinegar can help.
    • Massages with rosemary tincture are also helpful.

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