4 Original Tips Against Mosquitoes

Did you know that the color of clothing can be attractive to mosquitoes? Dark colors are particularly attractive to the unpopular insects, as they absorb more carbon dioxide from the body.

4 original tips against mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are a nuisance and can also transmit many diseases.

Some people are more tormented by the annoying insects than others, but in this post you will learn  how you can repel mosquitoes in an original way.

Our suggestions are natural and consist, for example, of using essential oils, vitamins or various plants against the unpopular pests.

Do mosquito repellants really keep the unpopular insects away?


Conventional insect repellants contain substances such as DEET (insecticide) or permethrin, which then lead to various harmful effects:

  • Various studies confirm  that these active ingredients are harmful to health  as they affect the nervous system.
  • Some people suffer from mosquito bites despite insect repellants.
  • Conventional remedies seem to be less and less effective because mosquitoes become immune over time.

For all of these reasons, in today’s post we recommend various natural alternatives that are simple and effective to prevent mosquito bites without putting your  health at risk.

1. Essential oils

Essential oils are an excellent way to naturally relieve various ailments without harming your health.

You can use the following oils to protect yourself from mosquitoes:
  • Citronella
  • geranium
  • Blue eucalyptus

How are these oils used?

  • Mix the essential oils with a vegetable base oil (almond oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil) or with a little moisturizing cream and apply to the skin.
  • If you want to protect yourself from mosquitoes in a room, you can also put the oils in a fragrance lamp.
  • You can put a few drops of the oil on a cloth or piece of clothing that you are wearing.
  • You can also use it to prepare a spray by combining the oils with water. Shake the mixture well before use.

Once the scent has evaporated, simply reapply the mixture.

Always use pure essential oils,  as synthetic essences have no therapeutic properties.

2. Marigold


If you want to keep mosquitos off in a room, garden, or office, you can plant marigolds.

These striking orange flowers have a wide range of therapeutic properties  and are also effective against mosquitoes. 

Put a plant by the window to keep the mosquitoes from getting into the house in the first place.

There are also various remedies with marigold (creams, gels, tinctures) that help soothe irritated skin after a mosquito bite.

3. Light-colored clothing against mosquitoes

The better your skin is covered, the better you can protect yourself from mosquito bites, but mosquitoes can also pierce most textiles.

The color of clothing is also important:  dark colors are more attractive to mosquitoes as they absorb carbon dioxide from  the body. Light and matt colors tend to deter mosquitoes and bees.

4. And if you’ve already been stung … make a cross!

If the mosquito has already bitten you and your skin is swelling, you can use grandma’s home remedies, but there is no scientific explanation for this. The effect is surprising, however.

With a fingernail, draw a cross directly on the mosquito bite and mark it so that the trace remains on the skin.

You don’t have to scratch yourself, just mark the cross, so the itching disappears and in a little time you can no longer see the mosquito bite.

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